Tigris Valley Welcomes World-Class Athletes!

Dear Wellness Enthusiasts,

We are thrilled to share some exciting news from Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat. Recently, we had the distinct honor of hosting some of the most renowned figures in the world of sports. Tigris Valley sports rehabilitation in Kerala, with its dedicated facility, is designed to cater to the specific needs of athletes, offering specialized programs and therapies aimed at injury recovery, performance enhancement, and overall well-being. 

A Visit from Real Madrid Football Players

Our retreat was graced by the presence of popular Real Madrid football players, led by Alejandro Diaz de la Rosa. It was an exhilarating experience to witness these athletes, who are at the pinnacle of their game, take time to relax and rejuvenate at our facility. 

Swedish Wrestling Legend Jimmy Lidberg Joins the Retreat

Adding to the excitement, seasoned Swedish wrestler Jimmy Lidberg, an Olympic medal winner and holder of numerous European and global recognitions, joined the group. Jimmy’s presence added a new dimension to our retreat, and we were delighted to provide him with our acclaimed Ayurvedic wellness treatment

Special Thanks to Mr. Habib Koya

We owe a special debt of gratitude to Mr. Habib Koya of RBS Corporation for making this incredible opportunity possible. His support paved the way for us to offer our renowned hospitality and wellness treatments to these discerning global sports icons. 

Collaborative Efforts by Dr. Shahul and Dr. Shareef

We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Shahul and Dr. Shareef for their collaboration in ensuring that our guests received the highest quality of care and wellness treatments. Their expertise and dedication are the cornerstone of the exceptional experiences we offer at Tigris Valley. 

With a team of experienced therapists, we aim to support athletes on their sports rehabiliation journey to optimal health and peak performance. 

At Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, we are committed to providing an oasis of tranquility and rejuvenation for all our guests, from global sports icons to everyday wellness seekers. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting news from our retreat.

Ayurvedic Cancer Care at Tigris Valley: Holistic Approach to Wellness and Healing

At Tigris Valley, Wellness retreat Kerala its specialized cancer treatment program led by a team of experienced holistic practitioners and medical professionals, the program combines traditional Ayurvedic therapies with modern medical techniques to support cancer patients on their healing journey. From personalized diet plans to targeted herbal treatments and supportive counseling, every aspect is tailored to nurture the body’s natural healing abilities and provide a holistic approach to cancer care.

The journey begins with a detox body treatment, designed to cleanse away the stresses and toxins accumulated in our modern lives. The process starts with a warm herbal oil massage, followed by a gentle exfoliation using organic ingredients. This therapeutic ritual not only rejuvenates the skin but also revitalizes the spirit, leaving you feeling lighter and more energized. Recognizing the profound connection between emotional well-being and overall health, Tigris Valley offers a range of emotional healing therapy. From mindfulness meditation sessions to expressive arts therapy and personalized counseling, guests are guided in exploring and releasing emotional blockages, fostering inner peace and resilience.

Emotional Healing Therapy

Cancer is a formidable challenge, often presenting complex symptoms and mechanisms that make early diagnosis and effective treatment difficult. Cancer treatment in Kerala recognizes this reality, offering a holistic approach rooted in Ayurveda to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients. The unchecked growth and spread of cancer cells lead to various pathologies, including inflammation and toxicity within the body. Many patients seek Panchakarma Treatment at Tigris Valley to address these issues, as detoxification plays a crucial role in restoring the body’s natural defenses and improving overall health.

While modern medicine employs chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy, the outcomes can vary, and the financial burdens can be overwhelming. Integration of different medical systems is key to effectively supporting cancer patients, and Ayurveda has proven to be a valuable ally. Tigris Valley employs Ayurvedic principles to identify the root cause of cancer development in each patient. This personalized approach guides lifestyle modifications that not only treat existing cancer but also prevent its recurrence. Detoxification through Panchakarma is integral, as it rids the body of toxins, boosts immunity, and enhances tissue quality.

For those considering Ayurvedic cancer treatment, Tigris Valley offers a comprehensive strategy that combines traditional Ayurvedic practices with modern diagnostic tools.  Tigris Valley’s mission is clear: to alleviate suffering, improve quality of life, minimize treatment side effects, boost immunity, detoxify the body, and promote overall well-being through an integrated approach to cancer care.

A Comprehensive Guide on Shirodhara, an Ayurvedic treatment in Tigris Valley

A Comprehensive Guide on Shirodhara, an Ayurvedic treatment in Tigris Valley

Shirodhara or Shiro Dhara is a word comprising of 2 terms, Shiro meaning head, Dhara meaning pouring in stream or sprinkling. Thus shirodhara treatment means pouring the liquid medicines in a stream over the head of the patient (or healthy person) for a stipulated amount of time.


Sirodhar, Shirodhar, Shiro dharam. Shiro Seka (means almost the same as Shiro Dhara), Shirodhara comprises of pouring of cold and or warn fluids but in Shiro Seka, essentially warm fluids are poured Shiro Sechana (same meaning as Shiro Seka)

Why Shirodhara?

Ayurvedic treatment considers the human body as an inverted tree where the roots are at the top and the branches pointing downwards. If the human body is considered to be a tree -The head of the human body will be considered to be the roots of this tree, The central portion of the body made up of the thorax and abdomen is said to be the trunk of this tree and The limbs (upper and lower) are considered to be the branches of this tree. Just like the roots nurture and controls all the activities and well-being of the tree, the head is the operational centre of the entire body. The head comprises of all the components and machinery to control the entire body mechanics and dynamics.

The head is an abode of the remote control of the entire body – The Brain and nerves and all the components which keep us attached and attracted to this material world – The Sense Organs. For these reasons, the head is called “Uttamanga – The best organ of the lot in the body’.

The head is made up of the brain and sense organs which manipulate the whole body and mind functions and keep us healthy when they are in a frame of wellbeing. The head thus forms a control station for all our life activities. When we take care of the control station properly, the whole body factory will function smoothly.

On the other hand, to get rid of any,   body or mind-related illness we need to go back to the control station (uttamanga) called head and address it with suitable treatments and medications.

This also gives us an impression that the best Ayurvedic wellness centre in India very well knew that most of our diseases occur due to a disturbed mind or exacerbated by a disturbed mind. Healing the body or mind alone is not a comprehensive medical approach. They should be handled as a single entity.

Indications of Shirodhara

Ayurvedic shirodhara treatment

Ayurvedic shirodhara treatment at Tigris Valley, wellness hospital in Kerala is advised for the prevention of many psychosomatic disorders. Prevention of diseases pertaining to the body, mind and sense organs is the first indication.

Below mentioned are the indications of Shiro Dhara (in general):

• Boils in the head (scalp)

• Pricking pain in the head

• Burning sensation in the head

• Suppuration in the head (inflammation leading to formation of pus or pus pockets)

• Boils wounds or ulcers in the head

When the head gets injured it causes one or the other of –

• Stiffness of neck, and nape (Cervical spondylosis, torticollis)

• Facial paralysis, Bell’s Palsy

• Deviation of eye, squint

• Loss of consciousness

• Loss of activities

• Cough

• Dyspnoea, breathlessness

• Lockjaw

• Dumb

• Stammering of speech

• Difficulty in opening the eyes

• Pulsating sensation or pulsations or twitching in the cheeks

• Yawning

• Excessive salivation

• Total loss of voice

Other indications-

⦁ Different types of headaches and diseases pertaining to head
⦁ Hemiplegia, paralysis
⦁ Sleeplessness
⦁ Vata prakopa to control the vitiated Vata
⦁ Diseases of Vata origin, mainly degenerative diseases
⦁ Diseases of Pitta origin, mainly inflammatory diseases
⦁ Dryness of the head
⦁ Itching in the scalp
⦁ Hypertension
⦁ Premature greying of hairs
⦁ Tiredness, fatigue
⦁ Low immunity
⦁ Cracks and fissures in the hands (palm) and foot (sole)
⦁ Diseases of the ear, eye
⦁ Psoriasis
⦁ Migraine headache
⦁ Loss of memory/Alzheimer’s disease
⦁ Hair loss and hair fall
⦁ Dandruff
⦁ Diabetic neuropathy
⦁ Paralysis
⦁ Depression

Types of Shirodhara

Shirodhara treatment

There are various types of Shirodhara treatments, depending on the health condition of the receiver, as well as the treatment they are seeking Rajah Ayurveda takes pride in offering all four types of Shirodharas to its patrons, which as follows

Kashaya Shirodhara (Herbal Decoction): The Shirodhars that uses medicated herbal decoction is called Kashayadhara, where the type of oil and herbs are chosen depending upon the condition of the receiver that they would like the treatment for. 

Thailadhara (Medicated oil): A popular treatment often found in luxury wellness retreats in India The Shirodhara that uses medicated oil in the process is called Thailadhara.

Ksheera Shirodhara (milk infused with herbs): Ksheerdhara uses medicated milk in its Shirodhara process, which is infused with the relevant herbs like Dashamula (10 roots), Musta (Cyperus rotundus). The temperature of the milk is kept lukewarm at the beginning of the process and then maintained at room temperature.

Takra Shirodhara (buttermilk infused with herbs): Takradhara is a type of Shirodhara in which herb-infused buttermilk for takra), made by mixing equal quantities of a herbal decoction and buttermilk, is poured from a specific bright and for a specific time period continuously and rhythmically, allowing the takra to run through the scalp and into the hair.

Ghrita Shiro Dhara – Medicated ghee is also used for stream pouring over the head in cases of Pitta and or Rakta (blood) vitiation and the diseases having their origin from them. Plain ghee of cow can also be used.

Things not to do after Shirodhara

If Shiro dhara is being done as a part of treatment At Tigris Valley Ayurvedic wellness retreat, for some ailment or is part of a big treatment package oriented towards some major health issue, the following restrictions shall be followed – Keep away from:

⦁ Excessive indulgence in sexual pleasures
⦁ Strenuous physical exercises
⦁ Exposure to sunlight
⦁ Exposure to cold or intake of cold food substances
⦁ Smoking, alcohol consumption
⦁ Excessive sleeping
⦁ Standing in cool breezy or dusty areas for long time
⦁ Forcibly withholding the natural urges or reflexes of the body like those of defecation, urination, hunger, thirst, sleep, sneeze etc
⦁ High or low levelled pillows while sleeping
⦁ Stress, Grief and anger
⦁ Keeping awakened till late nights
⦁ Walking for long distances
⦁ Speaking or shouting in excess, speaking loudly etc.
⦁ Keep the mind free from stress, in a pleasant condition
⦁ The patient is advised to take a break from the work if possible (during treatment).

Duration of Shirodhara

Shiro Dhara can be done for a period of 45 minutes to 60 minutes at a stretch (1 sitting) depending on the nature and severity of the disease (for which Dhara is being done) or depending on the constitution of the patient

Shirodhara is usually done for a period of 7 to 14 days or as recommended by the physician. The relief of complaints and betterment in the values of blood pressure is taken as a parameter for fixing and limiting the number of days of treatment to be done at a stretch.

It can also be done for 7, 14, 21 or 28 days or longer period of time in chronic and stubborn cases. Generally, a small time gap is provided between 2 schedules and often not continued beyond 3 weeks of time.

Time: Shirodhara is usually done in the early hours of the morning (preferably between 6 am and 10 am). In high Pitta conditions, it can be done in the afternoon also.

Mode of action of Shirodhara

Shirodhara therapy

Relaxing and coolant effect on the brain – Shiro Dhara has a relaxing effect (and coolant effect in treatments like Takra shiro dhara) on the brain and the whole nervous system and hence releases the stress and anxiety stagnant in the chief controlling station of our body. As we know the brain controls all the functions of the body.

The master gland Pituitary gland and hypothalamus associated with many physical and mental functions are located in the head. When all these are relaxed, the body functions including the heart functions take place in a relaxed manner. The circulation of blood and nutrients take place in a proper way.

The peripheral resistance is reduced. The channels of the body open up. The cells start flushing the toxins and overall metabolism gets improved. Shirodhara also relieves stress to a great extent. When we get de-stressed the psychosomatic balance is established. The brain will start controlling the body’s mechanics in a better and efficient way. We will feel at bliss and at best of body-mind health.

Benefits of Shirodhara

• It prevents head ache
• It prevents baldness
• It prevents premature greying of hair
• It prevents hair fall
• It helps hairs to get deep rooted, long and dense, look beautiful and pitch black in colour
• It keeps the sense organs in a healthy condition
• It helps in improving the glow and complexion of the face
• It helps in inducing good sleep
• It provides happiness and pleasantness of mind, relieves stress
• Rejuvenates and energizes the body
• Establishes the normalcy of digestive fire and corrects metabolism
• Soothes the nerves and improves blood circulation
Stress relaxation & relaxes mind.
• Improves neuro-muscular conduction
• Relaxes and rejuvenates the mind and senses.
• Delays ageing
• Provides longevity of life
• Controls and creates equilibrium in all the doshas
• Acts as an aphrodisiac
• Relieves pain and stiffness caused due to extreme stress and mental disorders
• Improves circulation to skin, improves colour and complexion ,provides and establishes proper colour
• Brings about lightness and a feeling of health in the afflicted joints, muscles and soft tissues.

Effect of Shirodhara in Tridoshas

Vata Dosha:

Properties of Vata: Vata is associated with the elements of air and space. It governs movement, communication, and the nervous system.

Effect of Shirodhara Therapy on Vata: Shirodhara has a calming and grounding effect on Vata dosha. The continuous flow of warm oil soothes the nervous system, reduces anxiety, and promotes relaxation. This helps balance the excess mobility and erratic tendencies associated with elevated Vata.

Pitta Dosha:

Properties of Pitta: Pitta is associated with the elements of fire and water. It governs digestion, metabolism, and energy production.

Effect of Shirodhara Therapy on Pitta: Shirodhara treatment has a cooling and pacifying effect on Pitta dosha. The gentle stream of oil helps alleviate excess heat and inflammation, promoting a sense of calmness. This is beneficial for individuals with increased Pitta, who may experience symptoms such as irritability, anger, or inflammation.

Kapha Dosha:

Properties of Kapha: Kapha is associated with the elements of earth and water. It governs structure, stability, and lubrication in the body.

Effect of Shirodhara Therapy on Kapha: Shirodhara has a stimulating and invigorating effect on Kapha dosha. The warm oil helps to disperse stagnation and congestion, promoting circulation and vitality. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with excess Kapha, who may experience symptoms such as lethargy, congestion, or a lack of motivation.

Tigris Valley’s Ayurvedic Remedy for Psoriasis

Tigris Valley’s Ayurvedic Remedy for Psoriasis

Managing psoriasis requires a holistic approach, and Ayurveda offers a wealth of knowledge and therapies to help individuals achieve healthier skin and overall well-being. Here, we’ll explore how Ayurveda understands and manages psoriasis, including customized treatments, dietary recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, and stress management techniques. Let’s dive into the world of Ayurvedic Treatment for psoriasis.

The chance of developing other skin disorders may increase with psoriasis. This covers eczema, dermatitis, and fungal infections. To treat possible skin diseases, people with psoriasis should be careful and seek appropriate care due to impaired skin barriers and immune system responses. Psoriasis sufferers should make routine skin checks a priority and seek professional advice to prevent new skin diseases from developing and maintain overall skin health.

What role does Ayurveda play in the management of psoriasis treatment ?

In Ayurveda, psoriasis is referred to as Kithibha and is frequently brought on by unresolved trauma or blood poisoning. Chronic stress and a bad diet are two more things that might aggravate psoriasis.

As every patient’s psoriasis symptoms and triggers are different, Ayurveda suggests customized therapies to address the underlying cause of the issue. Shodhana Chikitsa, Shamana Chikitsa, and Rasayana Chikitsa are a few of the common Ayurvedic treatments for psoriasis. Psoriasis may appear as a result of vitiated Pitta and Vata doshas, according to Ayurveda. Pitta dosha is in charge of burning, inflammation, and itching, whereas Vata dosha is in charge of pain and scaling.

psoriasis treatment in ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, psoriasis is a sign of an imbalance in the body’s Tridoshas, or basic energy. Chronic stress, poor food habits, and blood toxin levels all cause the symptoms. The goals of ayurvedic medicine are to balance these doshas again and lessen the underlying inflammation that underlies psoriasis. The following therapies are suggested by  psoriasis treatment in ayurveda.

Internal Medication: To lessen symptoms of psoriasis, our expert  Ayurvedic doctors may provide a variety of Ayurvedic herbs that are applied topically and taken internally to cure psoriasis like aloe vera, neem, and turmeric. Herbal remedies: A variety of Ayurvedic herbs are applied topically and taken internally to cure psoriasis.

Panchakarma therapy: Our Panchakarma treatment includes a range of therapies, including steam therapy, herbal enemas, and oil massages. Therapeutic emesis, purgation, and medicinal enemas combined with detoxification aid in body cleansing and enhance general health and well-being. 

Lifestyle & Diet: A diet low in triggers like gluten, dairy, and alcohol and high in anti-inflammatory foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. These elements will assist in controlling psoriasis flare-up occurrences. Practitioners of Ayurveda believe that nutrition and lifestyle choices are crucial in psoriasis treatment. They advise against processed, sugary, or spicy foods and are in favor of a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Regular exercise and stress reduction are also advised.

Stress Management: According to Ayurveda, stress can both cause and reduce psoriasis symptoms. Therefore, to enhance general health and lessen symptoms, a lot of focus is placed on stress management practices like yoga and meditation.

Shirodhara: Shirodhara is a medicinal oil treatment in Tigris Valley administered continuously to the forehead. It works wonders for reducing tension and anxiety, which can lead to flare-ups of psoriasis.

Abhyanga: This type of massage treats the entire body with heated herbal oils. It aids in relaxing, inflammation reduction, and circulation improvement.

Psoriasis Wellness Hospital in Kerala

Herbal baths: Those who suffer from psoriasis may find great relief and benefits from herbal baths. Numerous herbal baths are available at  Tigris Valley Wellness Hospital in Kerala such as neem, turmeric, and aloe vera baths.

Causes, Dosha Imbalance, and Treatment Approaches 

In Ayurveda, psoriasis is referred to as Kithibha and is frequently brought on by unresolved trauma or blood poisoning. Chronic stress and a bad diet are two more things that might aggravate psoriasis.

Psoriasis may appear as a result of vitiated Pitta and Vata doshas, according to Ayurveda. Pitta dosha is in charge of burning, inflammation, and itching, whereas Vata dosha is in charge of pain and scaling.

As every patient’s psoriasis symptoms and triggers are different, Ayurveda suggests customized therapies to address the underlying cause of the issue. Shodhana Chikitsa, Shamana Chikitsa, and Rasayana Chikitsa are a few of the common In psoriasis treatments in kerala.

In conclusion, Our ayurvedic treatment  provides a comprehensive and personalized approach to managing psoriasis. By addressing the root causes such as dosha imbalances, chronic stress, and poor dietary habits, Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore balance, reduce inflammation, and promote skin health. From internal medications and herbal remedies to Panchakarma therapies, lifestyle modifications, and stress management practices like yoga and meditation, Ayurveda offers a holistic solution for individuals dealing with psoriasis. Remember, seeking professional guidance and maintaining consistent self-care practices are key to effectively managing psoriasis and improving overall quality of life.

Panchakarma: An Effective Ayurvedic Treatment for Major Diseases

At Tigris Valley, One of the best Wellness Hospital In Kerala approaches Panchakarma treatment, deeply rooted in Ayurvedic principles, targets the root cause of illnesses by balancing the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This ancient therapy is renowned for its detoxification properties, aiding in the elimination of toxins from the body and restoring optimal health. Moreover, Panchakarma plays a vital role in addressing chronic conditions such as arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory ailments, and stress-related issues. 

Panchakarma’s Impact on Various Diseases

1. Detox body treatment : Panchakarma is renowned for its detoxifying effects. By removing accumulated toxins from the body, it cleanses the tissues and channels, promoting better organ function and overall health.

2. Stress relaxation: The deep relaxation and rejuvenation provided by Panchakarma not only benefit the physical body but also calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity.

3. Gut wellness: Many digestive disorders, such as acidity, bloating, and constipation, can be effectively treated with Panchakarma. The therapy enhances digestive fire (Agni) and promotes healthy digestion.

4. Pain management treatment:  Conditions like arthritis, joint pain, and muscular disorders often find relief through Panchakarma treatment in Kerala. The treatments reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and alleviate pain.

6. Weight Management:  Panchakarma offers a holistic approach to weight management by addressing underlying imbalances that contribute to weight gain. It promotes healthy metabolism and aids in sustainable weight loss. Weight loss treatment in Panchakarma focuses on rebalancing the body’s doshas, improving digestion, and fostering lifestyle changes to achieve lasting and healthy weight management.

Panchakarma Treatment Process:

1. Consultation: Our qualified Ayurvedic team of   experts evaluates your health history, present state of health, and doshic imbalance to create a personalised 21-day/ 14-day/ 7-day Panchakarma treatment plan in Tigris Valley.

2. Preparatory Phase: Before the main treatments begin, preparatory procedures like Snehana (oleation therapy) and Swedana (sudation therapy) are administered to prepare the body for detoxification.

3. Main Therapies: The five Panchakarma actions, to your unique needs, are performed  under the guidance of experienced therapists. Each action is intended to get rid of specific toxins and bring the body back into balance.

4. Rejuvenation: After the detoxification therapy, rejuvenating therapies such as Abhyanga (oil massage), Shirodhara (oil pouring on the forehead), and Rasayana (rejuvenation therapy) are offered to nourish the body and mind.

5. Post-Treatment Care: Guidance on diet, lifestyle, and herbal supplements is provided to maintain the benefits of Panchakarma and support long-term health.

Our effective Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment relieves a wide range of diseases and wellness goals. Its comprehensive approach makes it a transformative experience for those seeking holistic healing and rejuvenation.

Healing Back Pain Naturally: Ayurvedic Disc Bulging Treatment

Are you constantly suffering from severe back pain all the time, especially in your lower back? You might be dealing with a common yet exhausting condition known as disc bulging. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and effective treatments, especially through Ayurvedic treatment approaches, can pave the way towards lasting relief and reacquire movement. Spinal pain treatment focuses on reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, promoting healing, and strengthening the supporting structures of the spine.

Disc Bulging Symptoms

1. Lower Back Pain: Persistent pain in the lower back, often worsened by movement or prolonged sitting or standing.

2. Numbness and Tingling: Sensations of numbness or tingling in the legs or feet, indicating nerve involvement.

3. Muscle Weakness: Weakness in the legs or feet, affecting mobility and strength.

4. Stiffness: Stiffness in the lower back, makes it challenging to bend or twist comfortably.

5. Changes in Reflexes: Similar to herniated discs, disc bulging can also cause changes in reflexes, such as reduced reflex responses in the affected areas.

These symptoms can vary in severity depending on the size and location of the herniated or bulging disc, as well as individual factors such as age, overall health, and lifestyle.

Causes of Disc Bulging:

Lower back pain treatment

– Degeneration: Wear and tear of the intervertebral discs over time can lead to weakening and bulging.

– Age-related Changes: As individuals age, the discs lose water content and become less flexible, increasing the risk of bulging.

– Poor Posture: Prolonged sitting, standing, or improper lifting techniques can put undue pressure on the discs, leading to bulging over time.

– Obesity: Excess weight places additional stress on the spine and discs, increasing the likelihood of bulging or herniation.

– Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to disc degeneration, making them more susceptible to disc bulging.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Lower back pain treatment

By embracing Ayurvedic solutions for spinal pain and herniated discs, individuals can experience a range of benefits:

– Reduced pain and inflammation

– Improved mobility and flexibility

– Enhanced spinal strength and stability

– Prevention of recurrent disc issues

– Overall improvement in physical and emotional well-being

Ayurvedic back pain treatment

The Central to Ayurvedic disc bulging treatment is Panchakarma treatment, a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy. Panchakarma includes specialized procedures such as Abhyanga (therapeutic massage) using medicated oils to nourish and lubricate the spinal tissues, Swedana (herbal steam therapy) to alleviate stiffness and improve circulation, and Basti (medicated enema) to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Through our Ayurvedic back pain treatment Ayurvedic herbs such as Ashwagandha, Guggulu, and Shallaki are renowned for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. These herbs can be used internally as supplements or externally in the form of oils for targeted relief.

Mind-body practices like meditation and Pranayama (breathwork) are encouraged in Ayurveda to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being, which are vital aspects of managing disc bulging and preventing future recurrences. If you’re seeking a natural and comprehensive approach to herniated disc treatment , Tigris Valley offers a treasure trove of therapeutic modalities that can empower you to overcome pain and reclaim vitality. Consult with our experienced Ayurvedic practitioner to create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your needs and sets you on the path to optimal spinal wellness.

Unlocking Healing Potential: Ayurvedic Stroke Rehabilitation in Kerala

Tigris Valley, Renowned for its ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda, we offers a unique approach to stroke treatment in Kerala and rehabilitation, blending centuries-old wisdom with modern science to unlock the body’s innate healing potential.

Understanding Stroke and Its Impact:

A stroke, often referred to as a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to damage of brain cells. This interruption can result from a clot blocking a blood vessel (ischemic stroke) or from a burst blood vessel causing bleeding into the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Regardless of the type, strokes can have devastating consequences, affecting mobility, speech, cognition, and overall quality of life.

The Ayurvedic Perspective on Stroke Rehabilitation:

In Ayurveda, stroke is viewed as a manifestation of imbalances in the body’s doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—as well as disturbances in the dhatus (tissues) and malas (waste products). According to Ayurvedic principles, stroke rehabilitation involves not only addressing the physical consequences of the stroke but also restoring harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.

Ayurvedic Treatment Modalities for Stroke Rehabilitation:

stroke treatment in Kerala

1. Herbal Medicines: Ayurvedic treatment practitioners prescribe customized herbal formulations to address the underlying imbalances contributing to the stroke. These may include herbs known for their neuroprotective properties, such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), which support cognitive function, nerve regeneration, and overall brain health.

2. Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma, the detoxification and rejuvenation therapy of Ayurveda, plays a vital role in ayurveda stroke rehabilitation treatment. Through procedures like Abhyanga (therapeutic oil massage), Shirodhara (continuous pouring of warm oil on the forehead), and Basti (medicated enema), Panchakarma aims to eliminate toxins, improve circulation, and restore vitality to the nervous system.

3. Dietary Modifications: Ayurvedic dietary guidelines focus on nourishing the body while pacifying aggravated doshas. Nutrient-rich foods that are easy to digest, such as cooked vegetables, whole grains, and soups, are recommended. Additionally, specific spices and herbs known for their neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties, such as turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon, are incorporated into the diet to support the healing process.

4. Therapeutic Massages and Exercises: Gentle massage therapies, such as Abhyanga and Pizhichil (squeezing warm medicated oil onto the body), help improve circulation, reduce muscle stiffness, and promote relaxation. Ayurvedic exercises, including yoga and pranayama (breathing techniques), are also beneficial for enhancing flexibility, coordination, and overall well-being.

Kerala, often referred to as the “Land of Ayurveda,” offers an ideal setting for stroke rehabilitation, with its tranquil environment, skilled practitioners, and authentic Ayurvedic therapies. Here, individuals embark on a transformative journey toward recovery, guided by experienced Ayurvedic physicians who tailor treatment plans to address their unique needs and goals.

In Kerala, the ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda offers a beacon of hope for stroke survivors, providing a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Through a combination of herbal medicines, treatments, dietary modifications, and lifestyle interventions, Ayurvedic stroke rehabilitation unlocks the body’s innate healing potential, allowing individuals to reclaim their lives with renewed vitality and purpose.

It’s time for IT Professionals to take a break: Tigris Valley awaits you

In the fast-paced world of IT, where deadlines loom large, and stress seems like a constant companion, the quest for holistic well-being often takes a back seat. However, at Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, we believe that achieving optimal health involves the seamless integration of the body, mind, and spirit. Our retreat is designed to meet the unique needs of IT professionals seeking sustainable wellness solutions, pain management, stress management, stress relaxation, back pain relief Etc. The IT industry, especially in India, boasts a predominantly youthful workforce, facing a myriad of health challenges ranging from postural issues to metabolic imbalances and stress-related ailments. The pressures of deadlines, erratic work hours, and emotional stressors can take a toll on the well-being of these individuals, leading to burnout and decreased productivity. At Tigris Valley, we offer the best Ayurvedic treatment, stress management therapy, back pain relief treatment, pain management treatment, ayurvedic pain management, ayurvedic joint pain treatment, pain management treatment and adequate solutions aimed at nurturing the comfort of IT professionals. Our approach encompasses various elements to address the specific needs of this dynamic workforce. Now your journey to wellness is very easy.

pain management treatment

1. Sustainable Wellness Training: Equipping individuals with tools and techniques to manage stress, improve posture, and enhance overall fitness.

2. Wellness Diet: providing nourishing meals with the finest Ayurvedic treatment to support optimal health and vitality. We’re more concerned about your weight loss and providing the best weight loss treatment in Kerala.

3. Integrated Therapies and Meditations: offering a range of therapies such as modern physiotherapy, Unani regimental therapy, Ayurveda Panchakarma, traditional Kalari treatments, and traditional Chinese techniques to promote physical and mental well-being.

4. Customized Physical Training: Adapting fitness regimes to suit individual needs and preferences, improving strength, flexibility, and resilience.

Each day at Tigris Valley, one of the best wellness hospitals in India, begins with a rejuvenating morning regime, including fitness sessions, stretching, muscle strengthening, and guided meditations. Guests can indulge in the Tigris Touch – a full-body relaxation massage, or opt for traditional therapies like Takmeed – Kizhi. Medicated steam baths and sauna sessions further enhance relaxation and detoxification. In the evenings, guests can unwind with leisurely activities such as walks, or exploring our herbal garden.

stress relaxation

For those interested in culinary experiences, our wellness restaurant offers nutritious meals crafted to tantalize the taste buds while nourishing the body. In a culture where work-life balance often takes a backseat, wellness breaks are essential for recharging and rejuvenating the mind, body, and spirit. By prioritizing self-care and investing in holistic well-being, IT professionals can mitigate the impact of workplace stressors, enhance resilience, and get their full potential. At Tigris Valley, the finest Wellness hospital , we understand the unique challenges faced by IT professionals and are committed to supporting their journey towards wellness. By integrating sustainable wellness practices into their lifestyle, individuals can thrive both personally and professionally, achieving a harmonious balance between work and wellness. Join us at Tigris Valley and start a transformative journey towards optimal health and vitality.

Experience the Natural Cradle of Comfort

Stress and toxins constantly build up. Panchakarma offers a beacon of hope, a complete system for detoxification and renewal. This ancient practice, derived from Sanskrit words meaning “five actions” (pancha) and “treatments” (karma), utilizes a series of targeted therapies. Panchakarma cleanses, rejuvenates, and restores balance to body, mind, and spirit. For the very best Panchakarma experience in Kerala, consider Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat – their reputation is undeniable.

And for sure Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat is well known for Panchakarma Treatment and without any doubts and concerns it is the best Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala.

At Tigris Valley, our commitment to excellence ensures that each Panchakarma treatment is administered with the utmost care and precision, adhering to the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Our team of seasoned Ayurvedic practitioners, trained in the traditional techniques passed down through generations, customize each treatment plan to address the unique needs and imbalances of every individual.

The journey of Panchakarma begins with a thorough consultation, where our experts delve into your medical history, lifestyle habits, and current health concerns to craft a personal wellness protocol. This professional approach ensures that every aspect of your being is taken into account, laying the foundation for a truly transformative experience.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment

The first phase of Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment, known as ‘Purvakarma,’ prepares the body for the main detoxification process. This stage typically involves gentle massages, herbal steam baths, and specialized dietary recommendations aimed at loosening toxins from their deep-seated locations and guiding them towards elimination.

Once the body is primed, the main phase of Panchakarma, ‘Pradhanakarma,’ commences. This phase may include a variety of therapeutic interventions such as Vamana (therapeutic vomiting), Virechana (purgation), Basti (medicated enema), Nasya (nasal administration of medicated oils), and Rakta Mokshana (blood purification). Each of these treatments targets specific organs and systems, facilitating the expulsion of accumulated toxins and restoring optimal functioning.

Throughout the Panchakarma process, meticulous attention is paid to every detail, from the selection of medicated oils and herbs to the timing and duration of each treatment. Our peaceful surroundings and nurturing environment provide the ideal backdrop for deep relaxation and inner healing, allowing you to surrender to the transformative power of Ayurvedic treatment.

As toxins are released and purged from the body, profound shifts occur on both physical and energetic levels. Many guests report experiencing increased vitality, mental clarity, and emotional well-being as stagnant energy is liberated, and the natural flow of prana is restored.

Panchakarma Treatment

The final phase of Panchakarma, ‘Paschatkarma,’ focuses on consolidation and rejuvenation. During this stage, you will be guided through gentle yoga practices, meditation sessions, and dietary recommendations to support the body’s ongoing detoxification and replenishment process. Our goal is not only to cleanse but also to rebuild and fortify your overall health and resilience.

Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat is renowned for its exceptional Panchakarma Treatment, widely regarded as the finest in Kerala. With our proven track record of excellence, guests can trust in our expertise and commitment to providing the highest quality of care and service.

At Tigris Valley, we believe that true wellness encompasses more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of vibrant health and harmonious balance that permeates every aspect of our being. Through the time-honored practices of Ayurveda and Panchakarma, we invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, reconnecting with your innate capacity for healing and wholeness.

One of the primary benefits of panchakarma ayurvedic treatment is its ability to detoxify the body. The treatment focuses on eliminating assembled toxins that can lead to various health problems. Panchakarma also helps cleanse the internal systems, leading to improved digestion, enhanced metabolism, and rejuvenated strength.

And, The journey towards sustainable weight loss at Wellness hospital will be definitely impactful for a wide community who needs it . Our specialized treatments are precisely crafted to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. With expert guidance and serene surroundings, get on a personalized path to comfortable well-being and be a healthier, happier you.

With our dedicated team you will find the support and guidance you need to realign with your true essence and live a life of vitality and purpose.

Tigris Diabetes Remission: The Holistic Approach towards sweet wisdom

Tigris Diabetes Remission: The Holistic Approach towards sweet wisdom

In today’s fast-paced world, diabetes has emerged as a widespread health concern, affecting millions worldwide. At Tigris Valley Wellness Hospital in Kerala, we believe in a holistic approach to diabetes management, focusing not just on symptom control but also on achieving remission through a combination of naturopathic detoxification, Ayurvedic rejuvenation, modern physiotherapy, Unani regimental therapies, diet training, and safe herbal medications.

Naturopathic Detoxification:

Detoxification is crucial in restoring the body’s natural balance and optimizing its healing ability. Our naturopathic detoxification program incorporates various techniques such as hydrotherapy, sauna therapy, and dietary interventions to eliminate toxins and improve overall health.

Ayurvedic Rejuvenation:

Drawing from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, our rejuvenation therapies aim to rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit. Through personalized Ayurvedic consultations and diabetes treatment in Kerala like Panchakarma, we help patients achieve optimal health and vitality while addressing the root causes of diabetes.

Modern Physiotherapy:

diabetes treatment

Physical activity is essential for managing diabetes, and our modern physiotherapy services are tailored to each individual’s needs. From personalized exercise in diabetes reversal programme to advanced therapeutic techniques, our physiotherapists empower patients to lead active, healthy lifestyles and manage their diabetes effectively.

Unani Regimental Therapies:

Unani medicine emphasizes the importance of lifestyle modifications and regimental therapies for promoting health and preventing disease. At Tigris Valley, our experienced Unani practitioners utilize traditional therapies such as cupping (Hijama), massage (Dalk), and exercise (Riyazat) to support diabetes remission and overall well-being.

Diet Training:

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in diabetes management, and our team of dieticians provides comprehensive diet training tailored to individual needs and preferences. Through education, meal planning, and ongoing support, we empower patients to make informed dietary choices and achieve sustainable results.

Safe Herbal Medications:

diabetes reversal programme

Herbal medicine has been used for centuries to manage diabetes, and at Tigris Valley, we offer safe and effective herbal medications as part of our integrative approach. Our experienced herbalists prescribe evidence-based herbal remedies to complement other diabetes treatment and support diabetes remission.


At Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, we are committed to helping individuals achieve diabetes remission through a holistic approach that addresses the condition’s root causes. By combining naturopathic detoxification, Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, modern physiotherapy, Unani regimental therapies, diet training, and safe herbal medications, we empower our patients to reclaim their health and live life to the fullest. Join us on the journey to optimal wellness at Tigris Valley.