Understanding Skin Problems and Ayurvedic Solutions

Understanding Skin Problems and Ayurvedic Solutions

Skin problems can be quite distressing, affecting both physical comfort and self-esteem. These issues manifest in various ways, from irritation and redness to chronic conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, and leucoderma. Understanding the symptoms and root causes of these skin disorders is crucial for effective management and treatment. At Tigris Valley, Wellness hospital in Kerala we understand the complexity of skin problems and offer comprehensive treatment options for various skin diseases. Our approach is rooted in Ayurvedic principles, focusing on addressing the underlying causes while providing holistic care for skin health.

Symptoms of Skin Problems:

Skin conditions present a wide array of symptoms, including:

– Burning

– Swelling

– Redness

– Itching

– Pain

– Itchy or painful infections

Root Causes of Skin Disorders:

1. Toxic Accumulation: The body may accumulate toxic materials (ama) as a result of poor digestion, inadequate excretion, unhealthful diet, and lifestyle decisions. This may show up as skin irritation, infections, or long-term illnesses.

2. Stress: The state of mind and emotions has a big influence on general health, which includes skin health. Stress can worsen skin sensitivity and cause problems like acne, especially when associated with grievances and regrets.

3. Unhealthy Diet: A nourishing diet is necessary for good skin and general well-being. Improper food combinations and unhealthy eating habits can lead to metabolic residues and toxic buildup in the body, affecting the skin.

4. Dry or Oily Skin: Skin type plays a role in susceptibility to skin diseases. Dry skin requires adequate internal and external lubrication, while oily skin needs careful management to prevent issues.

5. Constipation: Regular elimination of waste is crucial for skin health. Constipation can lead to toxin buildup, emphasizing the importance of hydration and a fiber-rich diet.

skin diseases treatment

Common Types of Skin Diseases:

– Alopecia

– Psoriasis

– Eczema

– Leucoderma

Ayurvedic Approach to Skin Disease Management by Tigris Valley

Ayurveda offers holistic solutions for managing skin diseases by addressing root causes and promoting overall well-being. Here are some Ayurvedic therapies used for skin diseases treatment:

1. Steaming: Clears blockages in subtle channels (Srothas) but not recommended during inflammations.

2. Vamana: Induces vomiting to remove blockages in Srothas, beneficial for facial and body skin.

3. Virechana: Medicated purgation to reduce vitiated Pitta and Rakta (blood dhatu), suitable for inflammatory stages.

4. Nasya: Administering herbs and medicines through the nose, effective for chronic acne.

5. Snehana: Taking medicinal ghee orally; this is helpful for psoriasis that is influenced by Vata.

6. Basti: Medicated enemas followed by consuming medicated ghee, aids in detoxification.

7. Detoxification: Panchakarma treatment in Kerala treatments like Virechana and Vamana, are effective for psoriasis treatment.

8. External Treatments: Includes Lepa (herbal paste), Parisheka (pouring warm oils and decoctions), Udvarthana (rubbing with herbal powders), and Dhupana (fumigation with herbs).

Leucoderma Treatment

Leucoderma, characterized by white patches on the skin due to melanin loss, can be effectively treated through Ayurveda. Ayurvedic therapies focus on balancing doshas, detoxifying the body, and promoting melanin production. Leucoderma treatment like Virechana (medicated purgation) and Basti (medicated enemas) help in cleansing toxins, while Nasya (nasal administration of herbs) and Lepa (herbal paste application) stimulate melanin synthesis. Ayurvedic formulations containing herbs like Bakuchi, Khadira, and Manjishtha are beneficial for leucoderma treatment in Ayurveda.

Psoriasis Permanent Treatment in Ayurveda:

Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition causing red, scaly patches on the skin, can find long-lasting relief through Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatments focus on pacifying aggravated doshas, especially Pitta and Kapha, through therapies like Vamana (therapeutic vomiting) and Virechana (purgation). External treatments like Lepa (herbal paste application) with Neem, Turmeric, and Aloe Vera help soothe inflammation and promote skin healing. Ayurvedic herbs like Guggulu, Haridra, and Manjishtha are also beneficial for managing Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment in Kerala.

skin diseases treatment in Kerala

Eczema Treatment in Ayurveda:

Eczema, characterized by itchy, inflamed skin, can be effectively managed with Ayurvedic principles. Balancing aggravated doshas, particularly Vata and Kapha, is essential in ayurvedic treatment for eczema in Kerala. Ayurvedic therapies like Abhyanga (oil massage), Swedana (herbal steam therapy), and Nasya (nasal administration of oils) help in soothing skin inflammation and improving skin texture. Internal herbs like Triphala, Guduchi, and Kutki are beneficial for detoxification and immune support, aiding in eczema management.

Alopecia areata treatment in Kerala

Alopecia, characterized by hair loss, can benefit from Ayurvedic approaches focusing on dosha balance, scalp health, and hair nourishment. Ayurvedic treatments like Shiro Abhyanga (head massage), Shirodhara (oil pouring on the forehead), and Nasya (nasal administration of oils) help in promoting hair growth and scalp health. Internal herbs like Bhringraj, Brahmi, and Amla nourish hair follicles and support healthy hair growth. Additionally, lifestyle modifications including stress management and a balanced diet are crucial for holistic alopecia treatment.

Lifestyle Changes and Dietary Recommendations:

Ayurveda emphasizes holistic lifestyle changes and dietary modifications for skin health, including:

– Making proper food choices and eating mindfully

– Hydrating adequately

– Incorporating herbal remedies and supplements

– Practicing yoga, meditation, and stress management techniques

– Following a skincare routine using natural products

Skin problems are complex and require a comprehensive approach that addresses both symptoms and root causes. Ayurveda offers a time-tested methodology focusing on internal balance, detoxification therapy and holistic well-being to manage and treat various skin diseases effectively. By integrating Ayurvedic therapies, lifestyle changes, and dietary adjustments, individuals can achieve lasting improvements in skin health and overall quality of life.

Lose weight, not hope..!!

Tigris Valley, the wellness hospital in Kerala is indeed well-regarded for its Ayurvedic weight loss treatments, determining if it’s the absolute best option depends on various factors including individual preferences, medical history, and specific treatment requirements. It ensures the finest weight loss treatment in Kerala with appropriate methods that can be easily followed by the people who require it. Maintaining weight loss poses a greater challenge than losing kilograms initially. When individuals reduce calorie intake to lose weight, their metabolism may slow down, making it harder to continue losing weight over time and easier to regain once normal eating resumes. Thus, crash diets and rapid weight loss methods are discouraged. 

Long-term lifestyle changes are essential for sustained weight loss success, as they promote better health outcomes such as improved cholesterol, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and reduced stress on joints and the heart. To keep weight off, consistent effort and commitment are required, just like during the weight loss process. Combining dietary changes, improved eating habits, and regular exercise are key. In some cases, people opt for bariatric surgery as a last resort. Strategies that facilitate weight loss are equally important for maintenance. Support systems, including structured programs, contribute significantly to weight maintenance success. Physical activity, even moderate forms like walking, is crucial for sustaining weight loss. Aim for at least 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity 3 to 4 times per week. Diet and exercise remain pivotal in the case of weight loss treatment. Gradually increasing daily calorie intake by about 200 calories from healthy, low-fat foods after reaching the target weight helps determine the right balance for maintenance. Behavioral strategies, like managing stress without turning to food, are vital for long-term success. Relapses into old habits aren’t failures; instead, they’re opportunities to recommit to healthy choices and coping mechanisms.

 weight loss treatment in Kerala

Ayurvedic treatment is the most preferable treatment for weight loss it consists of various methods for weight loss treatment. Throughout prehistoric eras, natural selection favored genotypes capable of enduring harsh conditions by accumulating more fat reserves. Malnutrition prevailed for much of human history, prompting genetic evolution to prioritize fat storage. Primarily, body fat serves as an energy reserve in lipid form, vital for meeting energy demands during scarcity. Insulin, secreted by the pancreas, facilitates the conversion of glucose into glycogen and lipids, stored in the liver. When dietary intake falls short of energy requirements, the body utilizes glycogen initially, resorting to fat breakdown for sustained energy release when needed. Consistent and healthy weight loss can be achieved by following Ayurvedic principles, which promote overall health, balance, and longevity through simple guidelines. Ayurvedic Weight loss treatment in Kerala is reliable, consistent, and easy to follow.

The Ayurvedic diet emphasizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and natural fats, making it a healthy choice for followers. In Ayurvedic weight loss treatment, one typically reduces processed food intake and incorporates exercise, yoga, and meditation.  Tigris Valley, The renowned wellness Hospital in Kerala well known for its Ayurvedic weight loss treatments, combining traditional Ayurvedic principles with modern medical practices to promote sustainable weight management. Their programs typically include personalized diet plans, herbal supplements, detoxification therapies, yoga, and meditation to support individuals on their weight loss journey. Many clients have reported significant improvements in their overall health and well-being after undergoing Ayurvedic weight loss treatment at the hospital. 

Literally, Ayurveda is the most credible and genuine way to lose weight and improve your confidence and all.

Cardiac Wellness: A Blend of Modern and Ayurvedic Approaches

Cardiovascular diseases have become a prevalent health concern globally, affecting millions of lives each year. With advancements in medical science, treatments for cardiac conditions have evolved significantly, offering patients a spectrum of options for recovery and rehabilitation. Among these options are cardiac rehabilitation centres, along with specialized programs tailored to promote cardiac wellness. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in combining traditional healing methods with modern treatments, leading to the emergence of holistic approaches like ayurvedic wellness treatment.

Cardiac Rehabilitation: Modern Innovations in Heart Care

cardiac wellness hospital

Cardiac rehabilitation hospitals and centers play a crucial role in the recovery journey of individuals with heart conditions. These facilities offer specialized programs designed to improve cardiovascular health through exercise, education, and lifestyle modifications. Patients enrolled in cardiac rehab programs benefit from personalized care plans that address their unique needs, whether recovering from a heart attack, undergoing cardiac surgery, or managing chronic conditions like heart failure.

The Role of Cardiac Rehab Programs in Enhancing Cardiac Wellness

A comprehensive cardiac rehab program encompasses various components aimed at promoting overall cardiac wellness. These include structured exercise routines supervised by trained professionals to improve cardiovascular fitness, nutritional guidance to support heart-healthy eating habits, stress management techniques to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, and education on medication management and risk factor modification.

There has been a resurgence of interest in traditional healing practices like Ayurveda, which originated thousands of years ago in India. This ancient system of medicine offers a unique perspective on cardiac wellness, incorporating herbal remedies, dietary recommendations, yoga, meditation, and lifestyle adjustments to promote heart health naturally.

The integration of modern cardiac care with Ayurvedic principles creates a synergistic approach to cardiac wellness. By combining the latest medical advancements with time-tested holistic practices, patients can experience comprehensive care that addresses not only the physical aspects of heart health but also the emotional and spiritual dimensions.

Benefits of Integrative Cardiac Wellness Treatments

Integrative cardiac wellness treatment offer a range of benefits for patients:

cardiac wellness hospital

1. Comprehensive Care: Patients receive personalized care plans that address their unique needs, combining modern medical interventions with holistic healing practices.

2. Holistic Approach: Ayurvedic treatment focus on balancing the body’s energies, promoting overall well-being and resilience.

3. Reduced Stress: Stress management techniques incorporated into these programs help reduce anxiety and improve mental well-being, which are crucial for heart health.

4. Improved Lifestyle: Patients learn sustainable lifestyle changes that support long-term heart health, including dietary modifications, regular exercise, and mindfulness practices.

5. Enhanced Quality of Life: By addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, integrative cardiac wellness treatments can lead to an improved quality of life for patients and their families.

The convergence of modern cardiac care and ancient Ayurvedic principles represents a promising path toward comprehensive cardiac wellness. By embracing the strengths of both approaches, individuals with heart conditions can embark on a journey of healing and transformation that nurtures their overall well-being. Integrative treatments offer a holistic framework that honors the intricate connections between body, mind, and spirit, paving the way for a healthier and more vibrant life.

Unlocking Healing Potential: Ayurvedic Stroke Rehabilitation in Kerala

Tigris Valley, Renowned for its ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda, we offers a unique approach to stroke treatment in Kerala and rehabilitation, blending centuries-old wisdom with modern science to unlock the body’s innate healing potential.

Understanding Stroke and Its Impact:

A stroke, often referred to as a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to damage of brain cells. This interruption can result from a clot blocking a blood vessel (ischemic stroke) or from a burst blood vessel causing bleeding into the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Regardless of the type, strokes can have devastating consequences, affecting mobility, speech, cognition, and overall quality of life.

The Ayurvedic Perspective on Stroke Rehabilitation:

In Ayurveda, stroke is viewed as a manifestation of imbalances in the body’s doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—as well as disturbances in the dhatus (tissues) and malas (waste products). According to Ayurvedic principles, stroke rehabilitation involves not only addressing the physical consequences of the stroke but also restoring harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.

Ayurvedic Treatment Modalities for Stroke Rehabilitation:

stroke treatment in Kerala

1. Herbal Medicines: Ayurvedic treatment practitioners prescribe customized herbal formulations to address the underlying imbalances contributing to the stroke. These may include herbs known for their neuroprotective properties, such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), which support cognitive function, nerve regeneration, and overall brain health.

2. Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma, the detoxification and rejuvenation therapy of Ayurveda, plays a vital role in ayurveda stroke rehabilitation treatment. Through procedures like Abhyanga (therapeutic oil massage), Shirodhara (continuous pouring of warm oil on the forehead), and Basti (medicated enema), Panchakarma aims to eliminate toxins, improve circulation, and restore vitality to the nervous system.

3. Dietary Modifications: Ayurvedic dietary guidelines focus on nourishing the body while pacifying aggravated doshas. Nutrient-rich foods that are easy to digest, such as cooked vegetables, whole grains, and soups, are recommended. Additionally, specific spices and herbs known for their neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties, such as turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon, are incorporated into the diet to support the healing process.

4. Therapeutic Massages and Exercises: Gentle massage therapies, such as Abhyanga and Pizhichil (squeezing warm medicated oil onto the body), help improve circulation, reduce muscle stiffness, and promote relaxation. Ayurvedic exercises, including yoga and pranayama (breathing techniques), are also beneficial for enhancing flexibility, coordination, and overall well-being.

Kerala, often referred to as the “Land of Ayurveda,” offers an ideal setting for stroke rehabilitation, with its tranquil environment, skilled practitioners, and authentic Ayurvedic therapies. Here, individuals embark on a transformative journey toward recovery, guided by experienced Ayurvedic physicians who tailor treatment plans to address their unique needs and goals.

In Kerala, the ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda offers a beacon of hope for stroke survivors, providing a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Through a combination of herbal medicines, treatments, dietary modifications, and lifestyle interventions, Ayurvedic stroke rehabilitation unlocks the body’s innate healing potential, allowing individuals to reclaim their lives with renewed vitality and purpose.

An Escape from Agony: The 3 Days wellness program for IT professionals

An Escape from Agony: The 3 Days wellness program for IT professionals

Mental wellness Retreat

India’s IT (information technology) sector is expanding rapidly every day. Many young people are drawn to the sector by the high salary scale and abundance of opportunities in addition to the expanding opportunity. The work system remains unchanged, despite significant changes occurring in the work culture. For most IT workers, stress and pressure are a constant struggle. Owing to these difficulties, the workers may experience several health problems, starting at a young age. When we think of an ordinary workday for an IT person, the majority of the day is spent sitting still in front of a screen. The sole physical and emotional respite is a cup of tea. Are pauses sufficient for a state of health and well-being? NO is the response. Let’s examine the hidden risk that faces an IT worker.

Long-term sitting has significantly more harmful aftereffects than we realise.

back pain treatment

Prolonged sitting poses a number of health hazards that go beyond temporary pain. These risks should not be disregarded. Long durations of sitting weaken and strain our muscles, especially those in the neck and back, which can result in chronic issues, especially back pain  problems. Because the spine is meant to keep its natural curve, bad posture puts pressure on it, which can lead to discomfort and long-term spinal issues. This can be cured with back pain treatment

The metabolism suffers, leading to a reduction in the burning of calories, which exacerbates weight gain and raises the risk of metabolic diseases. Deep vein thrombosis and cardiovascular illnesses are more likely to occur when blood circulation slows down, which has an impact on the cardiovascular system. It may surprise you to learn that the brain is not immune, since memory and attention deteriorate with age. It’s critical to interrupt the cycle of inactivity to reduce these dangers. This can be achieved by taking regular pauses for movement, such as quick walks, easy stretches, or the use of ergonomic desk alternatives. Making activity a priority is crucial for maintaining general health and longevity, not just for physical well-being. 

Prolonged computer screen use can lead to a number of health problems. 

Prolonged usage of screens might have negative consequences on one’s physical and mental health. Long-term screen time via computers, cellphones, or other digital gadgets can cause a number of physical problems. Computer vision syndrome is a frequent complaint that includes headaches, dry eyes, and eye strain. Furthermore, extended screen time coupled with sedentary behaviour exacerbates musculoskeletal issues like back and neck pain. Screen blue light can throw off circadian rhythms, impairing sleep and making you feel exhausted. Furthermore, a sedentary lifestyle is connected to excessive screen time and is linked to a higher risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems. Mental stress problems are severely affected by the overuse of screens. Attending stress relaxation programs can be better for this. 

stress relaxation programs

Extended screen time has notable mental effects in addition to physical ones. Persistent screen time can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression, particularly when combined with social media and online activity. Decreased cognitive performance and mental weariness can result from the overload of information and stimulation. In order to reduce the negative impacts of prolonged screen time and preserve general wellbeing in an increasingly digital society, it is crucial to strike a balance between screen time and breaks, including physical activity, and practice mindful consumption of digital information. Diabetes, poor heart health, weight gain, depression, dementia, and multiple cancers can be caused. 

What are the remedies for the health problems brought on by these work styles?

Ayurvedic and wellness solutions can relieve you of the health issues associated with the IT industry’s working style. 

Daily Routine (Dinacharya):

Establish a daily routine that aligns with natural circadian rhythms. Wake up and go to bed at consistent times to support the body’s natural clock.

Balanced Diet (Ahara):

Follow a balanced diet that includes all six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent). Favour whole, unprocessed foods, and stay hydrated. Incorporate warming spices like ginger and turmeric.

Herbal Supplements:

Consider incorporating Ayurvedic herbs into your routine, such as Ashwagandha for stress management, Brahmi for cognitive function, and Triphala for digestion.

back pain treatment. 
Panchakarma Treatment

Yoga and Meditation (Dhyana):

Practice yoga asanas and meditation regularly to reduce stress, improve flexibility, and enhance mental clarity. Simple pranayama (breathing exercises) can also be beneficial.

These are some of the best home treatments that we can do on our own. 

There are limits to how much relief these methods can provide. Tigris Valley the wellness hospital in Kerala, presents the first premium “AYUSH” integrated wellness retreat in South Asia in response to this. The integrated wellness program is designed specifically to provide IT professionals with a break from their work-related stress. 

Ayurvedic Wellness Hospital

Tigris Valley discovered the necessity and significance of health breaks in the IT business after closely observing the work-life dynamics in the field. The work-environment stress, timeliness and irregular work hours, stereotypical jobs, and emotional elements are all having a negative impact on the well-being and harmony of IT professionals.   

Postural, metabolic, and stress-related issues are some of the major challenges. Tigris Valley caters to the needs of IT professionals seeking holistic well-being. Achieving optimal health involves the seamless integration of the body, mind, and spirit. Tigris Valley provides Ayurvedic wellness retreats,  emphasising various elements such as sustainable wellness training, wellness diets, integrated therapies and meditations, modern physiotherapy, unani regimental therapy, Ayurveda panchakarma treatment, traditional Kalari treatments, traditional Chinese techniques, and customised physical training.

Explore South Asia’s 1st Premium ‘AYUSH’ Integrated Wellness Retreat.
The 3 days Tigris Rejuvenation Programme for IT Professionals/Employees

Day 1: Consultation, Laboratory checkup, Dental Checkup, Tigris Touch (Full Body Relaxation Massage), Medicated steam Bath, Foot Massage, Evening walk/Fishing/Herbal garden city ride/Meet the chef

Day 2:  Morning Regime – Fitness session/muscle strengthening/Guided Meditation, Tigris Touch – Full Body Relaxation Massage, Medicated steam bath, jacuzzi, Head and shoulder massage, Evening walk/Fishing/Herbal garden city ride/Meet the chef

Day3: Morning Regime – Fitness session- Stretching/Muscle Strengthening/Guided Meditation, Tigris Touch- Full Body Relaxation Massage/Takmeed-Kizhi, Full Body Relaxation Massage, Medicated Steam Bath, Sauna Bath, Foot Massage/Hijama, Evening Walk/Fishing/Herbal Garden City ride/meet the Chef.  

The three-day wellness program designed specifically for IT professionals has weaved a resilient and rejuvenating tapestry. With a well-balanced combination of physical exercises, educational seminars, and mindfulness practices, participants have set off on a revolutionary path towards overall well-being. In addition to addressing the unique difficulties faced by IT workers, the program will provide them with the tools they need to manage the pressures of their ever-changing workplaces. The ripple effects of this wellness campaign are expected to positively impact their personal and professional lives as they go, promoting a culture of health and balance among the IT community as they depart with renewed insights and a revitalised spirit.