Staying strong on your back to eliminate your back pain

Ayurvedic treatment at Tigris valley assures the best back pain treatment and knee pain treatment for the people who suffers the pain for ages and didn’t get an appropriate solution yet.

Back pain is a prevalent reason for seeking medical assistance and missing work, ranking as a leading cause of global disability. Luckily, most back pain episodes, especially among those under 60, can be prevented or alleviated with home treatment and proper body mechanics, with surgery rarely necessary. Symptoms vary from muscle aches to sharp sensations, often radiating down a leg, aggravated by activities like bending, lifting, or walking. Back pain is a common problem that impacts a significant portion of the population at various stages of life, often stemming from strains to muscles or ligaments. However, in many cases, it is not indicative of a serious underlying condition and can be managed effectively. One recommended approach is to maintain regular activities and movement, as this can help alleviate discomfort and prevent further issues. As part of Ayurvedic back pain treatment, Tigris valley studies and refers your back stories of pain and finds an exact solution and clarification for that.

The spine, a crucial component of the body’s skeletal system, consists of vertebrae, discs, ligaments, and muscles. This complex structure provides both flexibility and strength, allowing for a wide range of movements while also supporting the body’s weight and facilitating proper posture. As individuals age, changes occur within the spinal structures that can contribute to stiffness and discomfort in the back. These changes may include degeneration of the intervertebral discs, weakening of the spinal muscles, and alterations in the alignment of the vertebrae. Consequently, older adults may experience increased susceptibility to back pain and related issues. As part Ayurvedic treatment for back pain you will definitely get to know about all the aspects of backpain and its causes and consequences.

Back pain often arises from a combination of factors rather than a single cause, including:


1. Poor Posture: Prolonged periods of sitting or standing with incorrect posture can strain the muscles and ligaments of the back, leading to discomfort and pain.

2. Lack of Exercise: Sedentary lifestyles contribute to spinal stiffness and weakened muscles, making individuals more prone to experiencing back pain. Regular exercise helps maintain flexibility and strength in the back muscles.

3. Muscle Strains or Sprains: Sudden movements or overexertion can cause strains or sprains in the muscles and ligaments of the back, resulting in pain and discomfort.

In addition to these factors, specific conditions such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and arthritis can also contribute to back pain. It’s essential to recognize that while severe pain can be distressing, it doesn’t necessarily indicate a serious underlying problem. Seeking proper diagnosis and management from healthcare professionals is crucial for addressing back pain effectively.

Knee pain, affecting individuals of all ages, can stem from injuries such as ligament tears or medical conditions like arthritis. While many cases respond well to self-care or interventions like physical therapy and knee braces, surgical repair might be necessary in severe instances. Tigris valley, the ayurvedic retreat in Kerala, offers specialized Ayurvedic treatment for knee pain, blending tradional methods and modern approaches, which makes the ayurvedic treatment more authentic and convincing.

There are certain Ayurvedic treatment methods for backpain. Relieve back pain naturally with an anti-inflammatory diet featuring tomatoes, leafy greens, and nuts like almonds, along with ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon, Incorporate gentle daily stretching and yoga to strengthen muscles and reduce stress, Massage enhances mobility, while maintaining a healthy weight reduces strain, Ensure correct posture, adjust computer and phone usage, and wear supportive shoes, Quit smoking to improve bone health and alleviate back pain. All these are very simple aspects of Ayurvedic Backpain treatment. A famous Ayurvedic wellness retreat in Kerala like Tigris Valley can treat knee pain & back pain in a very professional and advanced manner.

An Escape from Agony: The 3 Days wellness program for IT professionals

An Escape from Agony: The 3 Days wellness program for IT professionals

Mental wellness Retreat

India’s IT (information technology) sector is expanding rapidly every day. Many young people are drawn to the sector by the high salary scale and abundance of opportunities in addition to the expanding opportunity. The work system remains unchanged, despite significant changes occurring in the work culture. For most IT workers, stress and pressure are a constant struggle. Owing to these difficulties, the workers may experience several health problems, starting at a young age. When we think of an ordinary workday for an IT person, the majority of the day is spent sitting still in front of a screen. The sole physical and emotional respite is a cup of tea. Are pauses sufficient for a state of health and well-being? NO is the response. Let’s examine the hidden risk that faces an IT worker.

Long-term sitting has significantly more harmful aftereffects than we realise.

back pain treatment

Prolonged sitting poses a number of health hazards that go beyond temporary pain. These risks should not be disregarded. Long durations of sitting weaken and strain our muscles, especially those in the neck and back, which can result in chronic issues, especially back pain  problems. Because the spine is meant to keep its natural curve, bad posture puts pressure on it, which can lead to discomfort and long-term spinal issues. This can be cured with back pain treatment

The metabolism suffers, leading to a reduction in the burning of calories, which exacerbates weight gain and raises the risk of metabolic diseases. Deep vein thrombosis and cardiovascular illnesses are more likely to occur when blood circulation slows down, which has an impact on the cardiovascular system. It may surprise you to learn that the brain is not immune, since memory and attention deteriorate with age. It’s critical to interrupt the cycle of inactivity to reduce these dangers. This can be achieved by taking regular pauses for movement, such as quick walks, easy stretches, or the use of ergonomic desk alternatives. Making activity a priority is crucial for maintaining general health and longevity, not just for physical well-being. 

Prolonged computer screen use can lead to a number of health problems. 

Prolonged usage of screens might have negative consequences on one’s physical and mental health. Long-term screen time via computers, cellphones, or other digital gadgets can cause a number of physical problems. Computer vision syndrome is a frequent complaint that includes headaches, dry eyes, and eye strain. Furthermore, extended screen time coupled with sedentary behaviour exacerbates musculoskeletal issues like back and neck pain. Screen blue light can throw off circadian rhythms, impairing sleep and making you feel exhausted. Furthermore, a sedentary lifestyle is connected to excessive screen time and is linked to a higher risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems. Mental stress problems are severely affected by the overuse of screens. Attending stress relaxation programs can be better for this. 

stress relaxation programs

Extended screen time has notable mental effects in addition to physical ones. Persistent screen time can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression, particularly when combined with social media and online activity. Decreased cognitive performance and mental weariness can result from the overload of information and stimulation. In order to reduce the negative impacts of prolonged screen time and preserve general wellbeing in an increasingly digital society, it is crucial to strike a balance between screen time and breaks, including physical activity, and practice mindful consumption of digital information. Diabetes, poor heart health, weight gain, depression, dementia, and multiple cancers can be caused. 

What are the remedies for the health problems brought on by these work styles?

Ayurvedic and wellness solutions can relieve you of the health issues associated with the IT industry’s working style. 

Daily Routine (Dinacharya):

Establish a daily routine that aligns with natural circadian rhythms. Wake up and go to bed at consistent times to support the body’s natural clock.

Balanced Diet (Ahara):

Follow a balanced diet that includes all six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent). Favour whole, unprocessed foods, and stay hydrated. Incorporate warming spices like ginger and turmeric.

Herbal Supplements:

Consider incorporating Ayurvedic herbs into your routine, such as Ashwagandha for stress management, Brahmi for cognitive function, and Triphala for digestion.

back pain treatment. 
Panchakarma Treatment

Yoga and Meditation (Dhyana):

Practice yoga asanas and meditation regularly to reduce stress, improve flexibility, and enhance mental clarity. Simple pranayama (breathing exercises) can also be beneficial.

These are some of the best home treatments that we can do on our own. 

There are limits to how much relief these methods can provide. Tigris Valley the wellness hospital in Kerala, presents the first premium “AYUSH” integrated wellness retreat in South Asia in response to this. The integrated wellness program is designed specifically to provide IT professionals with a break from their work-related stress. 

Ayurvedic Wellness Hospital

Tigris Valley discovered the necessity and significance of health breaks in the IT business after closely observing the work-life dynamics in the field. The work-environment stress, timeliness and irregular work hours, stereotypical jobs, and emotional elements are all having a negative impact on the well-being and harmony of IT professionals.   

Postural, metabolic, and stress-related issues are some of the major challenges. Tigris Valley caters to the needs of IT professionals seeking holistic well-being. Achieving optimal health involves the seamless integration of the body, mind, and spirit. Tigris Valley provides Ayurvedic wellness retreats,  emphasising various elements such as sustainable wellness training, wellness diets, integrated therapies and meditations, modern physiotherapy, unani regimental therapy, Ayurveda panchakarma treatment, traditional Kalari treatments, traditional Chinese techniques, and customised physical training.

Explore South Asia’s 1st Premium ‘AYUSH’ Integrated Wellness Retreat.
The 3 days Tigris Rejuvenation Programme for IT Professionals/Employees

Day 1: Consultation, Laboratory checkup, Dental Checkup, Tigris Touch (Full Body Relaxation Massage), Medicated steam Bath, Foot Massage, Evening walk/Fishing/Herbal garden city ride/Meet the chef

Day 2:  Morning Regime – Fitness session/muscle strengthening/Guided Meditation, Tigris Touch – Full Body Relaxation Massage, Medicated steam bath, jacuzzi, Head and shoulder massage, Evening walk/Fishing/Herbal garden city ride/Meet the chef

Day3: Morning Regime – Fitness session- Stretching/Muscle Strengthening/Guided Meditation, Tigris Touch- Full Body Relaxation Massage/Takmeed-Kizhi, Full Body Relaxation Massage, Medicated Steam Bath, Sauna Bath, Foot Massage/Hijama, Evening Walk/Fishing/Herbal Garden City ride/meet the Chef.  

The three-day wellness program designed specifically for IT professionals has weaved a resilient and rejuvenating tapestry. With a well-balanced combination of physical exercises, educational seminars, and mindfulness practices, participants have set off on a revolutionary path towards overall well-being. In addition to addressing the unique difficulties faced by IT workers, the program will provide them with the tools they need to manage the pressures of their ever-changing workplaces. The ripple effects of this wellness campaign are expected to positively impact their personal and professional lives as they go, promoting a culture of health and balance among the IT community as they depart with renewed insights and a revitalised spirit.