Tigris Diabetes Remission: The Holistic Approach towards sweet wisdom

Tigris Diabetes Remission: The Holistic Approach towards sweet wisdom

In today’s fast-paced world, diabetes has emerged as a widespread health concern, affecting millions worldwide. At Tigris Valley Wellness Hospital in Kerala, we believe in a holistic approach to diabetes management, focusing not just on symptom control but also on achieving remission through a combination of naturopathic detoxification, Ayurvedic rejuvenation, modern physiotherapy, Unani regimental therapies, diet training, and safe herbal medications.

Naturopathic Detoxification:

Detoxification is crucial in restoring the body’s natural balance and optimizing its healing ability. Our naturopathic detoxification program incorporates various techniques such as hydrotherapy, sauna therapy, and dietary interventions to eliminate toxins and improve overall health.

Ayurvedic Rejuvenation:

Drawing from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, our rejuvenation therapies aim to rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit. Through personalized Ayurvedic consultations and diabetes treatment in Kerala like Panchakarma, we help patients achieve optimal health and vitality while addressing the root causes of diabetes.

Modern Physiotherapy:

diabetes treatment

Physical activity is essential for managing diabetes, and our modern physiotherapy services are tailored to each individual’s needs. From personalized exercise in diabetes reversal programme to advanced therapeutic techniques, our physiotherapists empower patients to lead active, healthy lifestyles and manage their diabetes effectively.

Unani Regimental Therapies:

Unani medicine emphasizes the importance of lifestyle modifications and regimental therapies for promoting health and preventing disease. At Tigris Valley, our experienced Unani practitioners utilize traditional therapies such as cupping (Hijama), massage (Dalk), and exercise (Riyazat) to support diabetes remission and overall well-being.

Diet Training:

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in diabetes management, and our team of dieticians provides comprehensive diet training tailored to individual needs and preferences. Through education, meal planning, and ongoing support, we empower patients to make informed dietary choices and achieve sustainable results.

Safe Herbal Medications:

diabetes reversal programme

Herbal medicine has been used for centuries to manage diabetes, and at Tigris Valley, we offer safe and effective herbal medications as part of our integrative approach. Our experienced herbalists prescribe evidence-based herbal remedies to complement other diabetes treatment and support diabetes remission.


At Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, we are committed to helping individuals achieve diabetes remission through a holistic approach that addresses the condition’s root causes. By combining naturopathic detoxification, Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, modern physiotherapy, Unani regimental therapies, diet training, and safe herbal medications, we empower our patients to reclaim their health and live life to the fullest. Join us on the journey to optimal wellness at Tigris Valley.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Understanding Anxiety Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion that everyone experiences at some point. It is our body’s natural response to stress or perceived threats. However, when anxiety becomes excessive, uncontrollable, and interferes with daily life, it can be classified as an anxiety disorder.

Causes of anxiety can vary and may include genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. Stressful or traumatic experiences, such as abuse, the death of a loved one, or a major life change, can also contribute to the development of anxiety disorders. Common symptoms of anxiety may include excessive worry, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances.

There are several types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, and others. Each type has its specific symptoms and characteristics. Anxiety treatment often involves a combination of therapy, medication, and self-care strategies. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common form of therapy used to help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors related to anxiety. Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are often prescribed to help manage symptoms. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management therapy can also be beneficial in managing anxiety.

At Tigris Valley, we provide the best stress relief treatment aimed at managing stress through natural therapies. This stress management program includes techniques such as yoga, meditation, and herbal remedies to promote relaxation and mental clarity. Personalized stress treatment plans focus on addressing individual needs, helping to reduce anxiety, and restoring balance. By combining mind-body practices, Tigris Valley aims to provide effective stress and anxiety relief treatment for overall well-being.

It’s important to seek help from a qualified mental wellness professional if you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, as they can provide a proper diagnosis and create a personalized treatment plan based on individual needs.

Common anxiety symptoms may include:

1. Excessive worrying or apprehension

2. Restlessness or feeling on edge

3. Fatigue or tiredness

4. Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

5. Irritability

6. Muscle tension or muscle aches

7. Difficulty controlling feelings of worry

8. Sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

9. Rapid heartbeat or palpitations

10. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

11. Sweating

12. Nausea or stomach discomfort

13. Dizziness

It’s important to note that symptoms of anxiety can vary from person to person, and not everyone will experience the same symptoms. Additionally, the severity and frequency of symptoms can also differ among individuals. If you are experiencing these symptoms and they are interfering with your daily life, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional for proper anxiety treatment in Kerala.

Sure! There are several different types of anxiety disorders, each with its specific symptoms. Here are the common types of anxiety disorders and their specific symptoms:

1. Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD): GAD is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry about multiple aspects of life, such as work, family, and health. Symptoms can include:

   – Persistent worrying

   – Restlessness

   – Irritability

   – Muscle tension

   – Difficulty concentrating

   – Fatigue

   – Sleep disturbances

2. Panic Disorder: People with panic disorder experience recurring and unexpected panic attacks, which are sudden periods of intense fear or discomfort. Symptoms of panic attacks can include:

   – Racing or pounding heart

   – Sweating

   – Trembling or shaking

   – Shortness of breath

   – Chest pain

   – Nausea or abdominal distress

   – Feeling detached or unreal

   – Fear of losing control or dying

3. Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia): Social anxiety disorder involves an intense fear of social or performance situations, usually due to a fear of judgment or embarrassment. Symptoms may include:

   – Intense anxiety in social situations

   – Fear of being judged or rejected

   – Avoidance of social situations

   – Physical symptoms such as blushing, sweating, or trembling

stress management therapy

4. Specific Phobias: Specific phobias are characterized by an intense fear of a specific object, situation, or activity that poses little or no actual danger. Common phobias include fear of heights, spiders, needles, or flying. Symptoms can include:

   – Immediate anxiety or panic when exposed to the feared object or situation

   – Avoidance of the feared object or situation

   – Difficulty functioning normally due to the phobia

5. Separation Anxiety Disorder: This disorder is more common in children but can also occur in adults. It involves excessive fear or anxiety about separation from people to whom the individual is attached. Symptoms may include:

   – Excessive distress when anticipating or experiencing separation from major attachment figures

   – Worry about losing the attachment figures

   – Reluctance or refusal to go out or away from home due to fear of separation

These are the common types of anxiety disorders and their specific symptoms, but it’s important to note that individuals can experience a combination of different anxiety disorders. Seek professional help if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of an anxiety disorder, as treatment can significantly improve quality of life.

Tigris Valley Wellness retreat in Kerala holistic approach to mental wellness, blending traditional practices with modern therapeutic techniques. The anxiety treatment program at the retreat combines expert guidance with the natural therapeutic elements of the region. From personalized cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions to mindfulness practices, individuals receive comprehensive care to address the root causes of anxiety.

What types of Alopecia Areata exist, and how is it managed?

What types of Alopecia Areata exist, and how is it managed?


Alopecia, a term encompassing various forms of hair loss, poses a unique and often challenging experience for those affected. Alopecia Areata, a common autoimmune condition causing unpredictable hair loss, presents various challenges for those affected. The impact of alopecia extends beyond the physical realm, often influencing one’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. As we delve into the intricacies of alopecia, it becomes imperative to explore its various types, potential causes, available treatments, and the holistic approaches that offer hope and healing. Understanding alopecia goes beyond its visible manifestations, delving into the complexities of its origins and the diverse strategies individuals employ to cope and find effective solutions. Here, we explore different types of alopecia areata, effective coping strategies, the crucial role stress plays in its manifestation, and the holistic Ayurvedic approach available in the Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat in Kerala.

Understanding Alopecia Areata:

Alopecia areata occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, leading to hair loss on the scalp and body. The severity and pattern of hair loss vary, giving rise to several types:

1. Alopecia Areata (Patchy): Manifests as one or more coin-sized patches of hair loss on the scalp or body.

2. Alopecia Totalis: A more severe form leading to total hair loss on the scalp.

3. Alopecia Universalis: The most advanced form, causing complete hair loss across the entire body.

4. Diffuse Alopecia Areata: Involves sudden thinning of the hair rather than well-defined patches of baldness.

5. Ophiasis Alopecia: Characterised by hair loss in a band shape around the sides and lower back of the scalp.

At Tigris Valley, our comprehensive Alopecia areata treatment in Kerala adopts a holistic approach to address hair loss concerns. Although there is no definitive cure for alopecia areata, we provide a range of therapies designed to slow hair loss and encourage regrowth. Our specialized treatment integrates the principles of Ayurveda, focusing on herbal medicines, dietary modifications, and specific lifestyle practices.
Our experts aim to harmonize the body’s energies, promoting overall well-being and rejuvenating hair follicles. Ayurvedic herbal formulations are made to individual needs and are administered to nourish and strengthen hair roots. Dietary adjustments are implemented to support the body’s natural healing processes, enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Our holistic approach extends to lifestyle practices that contribute to the restoration of health to hair follicles. Through personalized care and a commitment to balancing the body’s energies, Tigris Valley in Kerala endeavors to provide a unique and effective alopecia treatment experience, promoting not only regrowth but also overall well-being.

Tips for Dealing with Alopecia Areata:

Alopecia areata treatment in Kerala

Living with alopecia areata can be challenging, but effective coping strategies include:

1. Wearing Wigs or Hairpieces: Enhances appearance and boosts self-esteem.

2. Using Sunscreen: Protects the scalp or other exposed areas from sun damage.

3. Getting Support: Connecting with support groups, family, and friends can provide emotional support.

4. Embracing Your Appearance: Many individuals proudly embrace their bald patches, challenging societal norms about beauty and appearance.

Stress and Alopecia Areata:

Chronic stress has long been implicated in various health conditions, including Alopecia Areata. Research suggests a connection between stress and this autoimmune condition, as stress can disrupt the immune system and contribute to hair loss. Ayurveda offers holistic solutions, emphasizing dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and mindfulness practices to manage stress and promote hair health. Understanding and addressing the impact of stress on Alopecia Areata is pivotal for developing effective coping methods and comprehensive treatment approaches.

Alopecia areata is characterized by hair loss from the scalp or other areas of the body. We use the latest advancements in alopecia treatment in Kerala focusing on personalized care to help you achieve optimal results. The alopecia treatment can vary based on the type and intensity of the condition, but the primary goal is to stimulate hair regrowth and manage symptoms.

Ayurvedic cure for alopecia areata focuses on natural remedies and healing to promote hair regrowth and restore scalp health. Alopecia Treatment includes herbal treatments, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes aimed at balancing the body’s doshas. Techniques like massage and stress relief treatment are also utilized to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. By addressing the root causes, Ayurvedic treatments seek to provide effective and lasting relief from alopecia areata.

Ayurveda’s Perspective on Stress and Alopecia Areata:

Ayurveda views stress and Alopecia Areata as interconnected. Ayurvedic treatment principles propose that managing stress can mitigate its impact on health and potentially curb conditions like Alopecia Areata. Strategies include:

Balanced Nutrition: Emphasising a diet that balances the Pitta dosha, with sweet fruits, milk, and ghee, while avoiding spicy and fermented foods.

Yoga and Meditation: Time-honoured practices are known to reduce stress, calm the mind, and potentially alleviate stress-induced conditions like Alopecia Areata.

Ayurvedic Herbs: Recommended herbs such as Bhringraj, Amla, and Brahmi, are believed to promote hair growth, reduce stress, and balance the Pitta dosha.

Adequate Sleep: Essential for stress management, a proper sleep routine can help restore balance in the body and mind, easing stress and potentially mitigating hair loss.

Dealing with Stress-Induced Alopecia Areata:

While the link between stress and Alopecia Areata is complex, Ayurveda offers a promising pathway to mitigate its effects. Focusing on nutrition, incorporating yoga and meditation, using beneficial herbs, and ensuring adequate sleep collectively aid in controlling stress levels.

Dealing with alopecia areata involves understanding its types, adopting effective coping strategies, and exploring holistic Alopecia Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala. As individuals navigate their journey toward managing alopecia areata, the synergy of traditional treatments, Ayurvedic remedies, and stress management techniques becomes crucial. Always consult healthcare providers or Ayurvedic practitioners for personalized and optimal results in this holistic endeavor.

Secrets of Quick Weight Loss through Ayurveda

Secrets of Quick Weight Loss through Ayurveda

Ayurveda emerges as a beacon of ancient wisdom, offering remedies and tips that go beyond mere calorie counting. On the quest for quick weight loss unveils a journey marked by the delicate interplay of ancient wisdom and contemporary wellness strategies. Our Ayurvedic wellness retreat offers not just a weight loss treatment but a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Knowing the tricks to losing weight quickly becomes crucial while trying to lose extra weight effectively. Above and beyond traditional methods, we investigate customized eating plans, focused workout programs, and conscious lifestyle changes that not only promote long-term health but also quick weight loss. Let’s explore the Ayurvedic approach to weight loss treatment and unveil time-tested tips that can guide you on your journey to a healthier, balanced self. This holistic perspective considers the intricate connections between nutrition, physical activity, and mental resilience, unraveling the nuanced secrets that empower individuals to achieve their weight loss goals with efficacy and sustainability.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Quick Weight Loss

In Tigris Valley, a weight loss retreat in Kerala Our expert practitioners analyze your unique dosha to plan that aligns with your body’s natural rhythms. Discover the power of Ayurveda in addressing the root causes of excess weight and promoting balance. Explore the wonders of Ayurvedic herbs renowned for their weight loss benefits. From metabolism-boosting herbs like Triphala to the fat-burning properties of Guggul, our Ayurvedic experts incorporate these natural remedies into your personalized regimen for effective and sustainable weight management.

1. Triphala: The Triumvirate of Healing

Triphala, a blend of three potent fruits – Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, is renowned for its cleansing properties. This Ayurvedic remedy aids digestion, detoxifies the body, and supports weight loss by promoting a healthy metabolism.

2. Guggul: Nature’s Fat Burner

Guggul, extracted from the resin, is hailed for its ability to enhance thyroid function and boost metabolism. Including Guggul in your weight loss regimen can help in shedding those extra pounds effectively.

3. Aloe Vera: Nature’s Detoxifier

Aloe Vera, known for its detoxifying properties, aids digestion and elimination of toxins. Consuming Aloe Vera juice or gel can support your weight loss journey by promoting a clean and efficient digestive system.

Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Loss 

weight loss retreat kerala

1. Eat Mindfully with Warm Foods

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of mindful eating. Choose warm, cooked foods that are easy to digest. Incorporate spices like ginger and black pepper to stoke your digestive fire (Agni) and facilitate efficient nutrient absorption.

2. Practice Yoga for Balance

Practice yoga in a way that complements your body type to help you through Wellness hospital weight loss programs. Poses like Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) and twists can stimulate metabolism and promote detoxification. Yoga also fosters mindfulness, helping you make conscious choices in your wellness journey.

3. Stay Hydrated with Warm Water

Replace cold drinks with warm water throughout the day. Warm water aids digestion, flushes out toxins, and supports the proper functioning of the digestive system, contributing to weight loss.

4. Culinary Delights

Savor the flavors of Ayurvedic cuisine that nourish and support your weight loss endeavors. Our culinary experts craft meals using Ayurvedic principles and locally sourced ingredients, ensuring each bite contributes to your overall well-being.

Crafting Your Ayurvedic Weight Management Plan

At our wellness retreat, your weight management plan is crafted with precision, combining dietary recommendations, herbal supplements, and lifestyle adjustments made to your unique constitution. Indulge in Ayurvedic therapies designed to detoxify and revitalize your body. From Abhyanga (herbal oil massage) to Udwarthanam (herbal powder massage), these therapies not only aid in weight loss but also promote overall well-being, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and energized. Weight loss treatment focuses on balancing the body’s doshas to promote healthy and sustainable weight management. Techniques such as yoga and full-body detoxification therapies may also be included to support overall well-being. By addressing the root causes of weight gain, Ayurvedic weight loss treatment aims for long-lasting results and improved health.

Udwarthanam and Abhyanga, integral components of Ayurvedic wellness, offer holistic approaches to support weight loss. Udwarthanam, a therapeutic herbal body scrub, stimulates metabolism, promotes detoxification, and specifically targets excess Kapha dosha, contributing to effective weight management. The vigorous massage with herbal powders not only aids in calorie burning but also enhances circulation, supporting the body’s natural detox processes. 

On the other hand, Abhyanga, the art of self-massage with warm oils, helps balance doshas, notably addressing Vata imbalances associated with irregular metabolism and weight gain. Abhyanga’s stress-reducing effects, nourishment of tissues, and promotion of efficient digestion collectively foster a mindful approach to eating, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy cravings. Together, Udwarthanam and Abhyanga provide a synergistic approach, addressing physical, mental, and energetic aspects, making them valuable allies in a holistic Ayurvedic weight loss treatment.

Transformative Weight Loss through Ayurveda

Incorporating Ayurvedic remedies and tips into your weight loss treatment in Ayurveda provides a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of imbalance. Remember, Ayurveda is not just about shedding pounds; it’s about achieving and maintaining a state of balanced well-being. Ayurveda not only facilitates quick and effective weight loss but also nurtures a sustainable and balanced lifestyle. Beyond the physical transformations, this holistic approach encompasses mental and emotional well-being, fostering a profound connection between body, mind, and spirit. The secrets to successful weight loss in Ayurveda lie not in restrictive measures but in cultivating a harmonious equilibrium that extends far beyond shedding pounds, creating a foundation for lifelong vitality and optimal health. Start your Ayurvedic journey to weight loss today, for a healthier tomorrow. Join us as we delve into Ayurvedic remedies, personalized weight management plans, and the rejuvenating power of Ayurvedic therapies amidst the serene ambiance of our retreat.

How to treat insomnia with Sound Healing

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. With insomnia, you may have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting good-quality sleep. This happens even if you have the time and the right environment to sleep well. Insomnia can get in the way of your daily activities and may make you feel sleepy during the day.

Quality sleep plays an important role in overall well-being. Not getting the sleep you need regularly can have a pretty big impact on mental and physical health, not to mention quality of life.
Among sleep disorders, insomnia is the most common.

Insomnia therapies at Tigris Valley aim to improve sleep quality and address underlying issues. Utilizing natural methods such as herbal remedies, yoga, and meditation, these therapies aim to relax the mind and body, promoting restful sleep. Personalized insomnia treatment plans may also include dietary guidance and stress management techniques. By focusing on overall well-being, Tigris Valley provides effective solutions for those struggling with insomnia.

What is the cause of insomnia?

It’s not always clear what triggers insomnia, but it’s often associated with:

 Stress and anxiety

 A poor sleeping environment – such as an uncomfortable bed, or a bedroom that’s too light, noisy, hot, or cold

 Lifestyle factors – such as jet lag, shift work, or drinking alcohol or caffeine before going to bed

 Mental health conditions – such as depression and schizophrenia

 Physical health conditions – such as heart problems, other sleep disorders and long-term pain

 Certain medicines – such as some antidepressants, epilepsy medicines, and steroid medication.

 Family history (genetics) – sleep traits, including insomnia, seem to run seem to run in families.

 Brain activity differences – people with insomnia can have more active brains or brain chemistry differences that affect their ability to sleep.

What are the complications of this condition?

When insomnia is severe or lasts a long time it causes sleep deprivation.
A major concern with sleep deprivation is daytime sleepiness, which can be dangerous when you are driving or doing other tasks that require you to be alert and attentive.
Sleep deprivation can also increase the risk of certain conditions :

 High blood pressure (hypertension)
Heart attack
 Obstructive sleep apnea
 Type 2 diabetes
 Conditions that involve psychosis.

How Does Sound Therapy Improve Sleep?

Singing Tibetan Bowls Healing approach is one of the approaches for non – medication based treatment.
The scientific basis of sound therapy lies in the understanding of the brain’s response to auditory stimuli and its potential for inducing relaxation and positive physiological changes. Several key concepts underlie the effectiveness of sound therapy in promoting relaxation and alleviating insomnia.

Through our sleeping therapy treatment , the mechanism of brainwave entrainment, where the brain synchronizes its electrical activity with external auditory stimuli, is pivotal in this process. By introducing specific frequencies, sound therapy aims to guide the brain into patterns associated with deep sleep, notably delta waves, providing a potential remedy for insomnia.

Brainwave entrainment is a process in which the brain synchronizes its electrical activity to an external auditory stimulus. The brain exhibits different types of brainwaves depending on its current state. Such as being awake, asleep, or in deep relaxation.

By introducing an external auditory stimulus with a specific frequency, the brain can be encouraged to match its own frequency. This results in a shift in brainwave patterns. For insomnia treatment , sound therapy aims to induce brainwave patterns associated with deep sleep, such as delta waves.
Different studies have proven how Tibetan singing bowls can quieten the mind chatter and flip the brain into calmness by changing our brain waves.

They can take us into a deep sleep where our senses wind down and cut us off from the outside world. Using these bowls before sleep can also slow down your heartbeat and breathing rate to naturally prepare you for sleep.

An added bonus is you’ll wake up refreshed instead of groggy or frustrated after having a hectic yesterday.

But that’s not all singing bowls can do!

They can also put a stop to sleep problems like nightmares or waking in the middle of the night by leading your brain into the sleep wave state.
Incorporating sound therapy into your daily routine can be an effective approach to managing insomnia, can help with stress , anxiety, overthinking and even pain . That’s why it’s often used in detox centers to rehabilitate patients dealing with all sorts of problems.

At Tigris Valley  Ayurvedic Wellness Retreat in Kerala the incorporation of sound therapy aligns seamlessly with the principles of Ayurveda, offering a holistic approach to rejuvenation. By immersing oneself in the therapeutic sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, individuals can experience a profound sense of balance, promoting a harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit. As a time-tested practice, sound therapy becomes a cornerstone in the retreat’s commitment to providing a serene and transformative wellness experience.

Agnieszka Krakowska

Unani Secrets of Arthritis Healing at Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat

Unani secrets of arthritis healing at Tigris Valley wellness retreat

In the enchanting landscapes of Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, we embark on a holistic journey to uncover the ancient Unani secrets of arthritis healing. As we traverse the realms of customized nutrition, invigorating physical sessions, and time-honored Unani regimental therapies, our goal is to provide a transformative experience for those seeking relief from the burdens of arthritis.

The Osteoarthritis Predicament in Kerala

The prevalence of arthritis can significantly impact the lives of individuals, leading to pain, restricted mobility, and a diminished quality of life. While Ayurvedic osteoarthritis treatment has been a traditional recourse, there exists a need for a comprehensive solution that seamlessly integrates the principles of Unani medicine. Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat recognizes these challenges and endeavors to provide a unique blend of therapies that cater to the specific needs of individuals grappling with osteoarthritis.

We guide you through a transformative integration of customized nutrition, physical sessions, and Unani regimental therapies to address arthritis impacts. We believe that food is the best medicine to heal arthritis. Personalized nutrition plans are designed to address the unique needs of each individual. By incorporating anti-inflammatory foods and Unani-recommended dietary adjustments, we aim to restore balance within the body, targeting the root causes of arthritis.

Physical Freedom with Unani and Modern Wellness Practices

Movement is medicine when it comes to arthritis. Our physical sessions enhance joint flexibility, strengthen supportive muscles, improve mobility, and reduce discomfort. Experience the rejuvenating effects of Hijama, a Unani medicine procedure that creates controlled inflammation with aseptic surgical precautions at specific body points to activate the immune system and promote healing. Fasad, the Unani art of detoxification, is seamlessly integrated into our wellness programs. Through carefully curated therapies, we promote the elimination of toxins, allowing the body to find its natural balance and easing the burden on joints affected by arthritis.

Massage-integrated Munzij-Mus’hil is designed to relieve muscular tension, reduce pain, and promote relaxation, contributing to the overall alleviation of arthritis symptoms. Medicated bandage to promote joint health. This targeted approach aims to nourish and strengthen the affected joints, offering relief and fostering long-term well-being. As a Unani arthritis consultant, I am dedicated to guiding individuals towards a holistic understanding of their health and we blend Unani wisdom and modern wellness practices with customized nutrition, physical sessions, and Unani regimental therapies. Join us in this transformative art of arthritis healing and cultivate a life of physical freedom. Unani treatment for arthritis aims to reduce pain and inflammation. This traditional Ayush treatment medicine system uses herbal remedies, dietary guidelines, and lifestyle modifications to restore balance in the body. Ayush Treatments may include local applications, full-body detoxification methods, and personalized care plans, aiming to improve mobility and enhance overall joint health. Unani treatment in Kerala offers a natural and complete solution for managing arthritis symptoms.

In the Tigris Valley, managing arthritis through Unani medicine involves regulating internal balances and addressing excess moisture and cold that can increase joint pain. We provide the best osteoarthritis treatment in Kerala including natural remedies like turmeric and ginger, and therapeutic oils for massage to relieve joint pain. Focusing on a diet rich in warming, balancing foods, along with regular gentle exercise and herbal detoxification can support joint health.

Harmonizing Unani Medicine with Kerala’s Healing Touch

In Tigris Valley wellness hospital in Kerala,, our Unani arthritis consultant is dedicated to guiding individuals toward a holistic understanding of their health. The fusion of Unani wisdom with modern wellness practices, tailored nutrition, physical sessions, and regimental therapies, invites you to join us in this transformative art of arthritis healing. Together, let’s cultivate a life of physical freedom, where the ancient secrets of Unani medicine harmonize with the healing touch of Kerala, offering solace to those seeking respite from the grasp of osteoarthritis.

Integrated Treatment Approach to Stroke Recovery

Integrated Treatment Approach to Stroke Recovery

Strokes are a prevalent health concern, with global significance. They stand as the second leading cause of death worldwide, underscoring their widespread impact. In the context of the body, a stroke mirrors what a heart attack is to the heart. Patients with strokes may experience bleeding or blood clots in the brain, causing issues like convulsions.

In Ayurveda, a stroke is called Pakshaghata, caused by imbalances in the Vata dosha, which manages body movements and sensations. Stroke treatment in Kerala aims to revive brain functions. Internal medicines boost blood flow, and natural antioxidants enhance oxygen supply to the brain, renewing cells and minimizing cell damage. External therapies like panchakarma improve the peripheral nerve system, while heat therapy maintains muscle tone, reduces stiffness, and eases spasms. Ayurvedic stroke treatment highlights natural healing through herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments. It aims to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and support brain health. Techniques like Panchakarma may also be used to detoxify the body. It focuses on restoring balance and enhancing recovery for stroke survivors through effective stroke rehabilitation.

Here are the common signs and symptoms of a stroke:

1. Sudden numbness or weakness: You may experience sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the face, arm, or leg. This often occurs on just one side of the body.

2. Confusion or difficulty speaking: A person having a stroke may experience sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty understanding speech. They may slur their words or have difficulty finding the right words.

3. Trouble walking or loss of coordination: Strokes can affect balance and coordination. A person may have difficulty walking, experience dizziness, or have a sudden loss of coordination.

4. Severe headache: A sudden, severe headache that is different from a usual headache may be a sign of a stroke, particularly if it is accompanied by other symptoms, as early intervention is crucial for effective Neuro Rehabilitation and minimizing potential long-term effects

5. Trouble seeing in one or both eyes: Vision problems, such as sudden blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes, can be a sign of a stroke.

It’s important to remember the acronym FAST to help recognize and respond to the signs of a stroke:

Stroke Rehabilitation Programs

F – Face Drooping: Is one side of the face numb or drooping? To look for signs of facial weakness, ask them to smile.

A-Arms Weakness: Is a single arm numb or weak? Ask the person to raise both to check if one arm is drifting lower.

S – Speaking Difficulty: Is speech slurred or difficult to understand? To screen for speech impediment, ask the person to repeat a short sentence.

T – Time to call emergency services: You must do so right away if you notice any of these symptoms. While treating a stroke, time is of the essence.

Core Elements of our Ayurvedic Stroke Rehabilitation Program:

◙ Initial Ayurvedic Assessment and Goal Setting

◙ Ayurvedic Physical Therapies

◙ Speech and Language Therapies

◙ Mind-Body Psychological and Emotional Support

◙ Cognitive Enhancement through Ayurvedic Therapies

 In Ayurveda stroke treatment, our experts believe these symptoms arise from a blockage in Vata movement. Our therapies aim to remove toxins from the body and restore Vata flow, promoting a quick recovery. 

Ayurvedic Stroke Rehab Benefits:

1. Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma Treatment is a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy in Ayurveda. It involves various cleansing procedures that may help remove toxins and support the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Panchakarma therapy is often customized to the individual’s condition.

2. Holistic Approach: Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that considers the mind, body, and spirit as interconnected. Ayurvedic stroke rehabilitation balances these elements to promote overall well-being and recovery.

ayurvedic stroke treatment in kerala

3. Dietary Recommendations: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet to support healing. Ayurvedic stroke rehabilitation services may include dietary recommendations based on an individual’s constitution and specific health needs.

4. Yoga and Meditation: Cardiovascular Disease treatment may incorporate yoga and meditation practices. Gentle yoga and meditation can help improve flexibility, strength, and mental well-being, contributing to the overall rehabilitation process.

5. Improved Circulation and Energy Flow: Ayurvedic treatments often aim to enhance overall circulation and the flow of vital energy (prana) in the body. Improved circulation may aid in the recovery of affected areas and support overall vitality.

The Goal of Ayurvedic Heat Stroke Treatment

◘ Promote Fluid Movement and Strength

◘ Experience Enhanced Speech and Communication

◘ Regain Daily Autonomy

◘ Boost Cognitive Function and Communication

◘ Mitigate Future Stroke Risk

◘ Cultivate Emotional Well-being

At our Ayurvedic Retreat Centre, we recognize the significance of integrating ancient wisdom with modern care. Our approach is not only to address the physical aspects of stroke recovery but also to provide a holistic environment that promotes overall well-being and balance. Time is of the essence, and our Ayurvedic practices are designed to support your journey toward healing and restoration.

Ayurvedic treatment for heat stroke aims to restore balance by cooling the body using appropriate foods and herbs, adjusting lifestyle practices, and ensuring environmental flexibility. Tigris Valley Ayurveda stroke rehabilitation treatments not only address the immediate symptoms but also prevent upcoming issues by maintaining overall balance and wellness.

Unlocking Holistic Healing for Back pain

Ayurvedic Insights into Back Pain Relief Treatment

Back pain is a common ailment that affects people across various age groups and lifestyles. Its impact can range from mild discomfort to debilitating pain, significantly affecting daily activities. This comprehensive guide aims to delve into the intricacies of back pain, exploring its causes, methods of diagnosis, and the array of treatments available to provide relief and restore quality of life.

Back pain relief can be achieved through a combination of treatments, including physical therapy, chiropractic care, and acupuncture. These approaches focus on addressing the root causes of pain, improving mobility, and strengthening supporting muscles. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, ergonomic adjustments, and stress management can enhance recovery. By adopting a detailed treatment plan, people can find effective and lasting relief from back pain.

lower back pain

Causes of Back Pain:

1. Muscle Strain and Sprains: Overexertion, improper lifting techniques, or sudden movements can lead to muscle strain or sprains, causing back pain.

2. Structural Issues: Conditions such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis can contribute to chronic lower back pain.

3. Poor Posture: Prolonged periods of sitting with poor posture, especially in office environments, can strain the spine and contribute to pain.

4. Injuries: Accidents, falls, or trauma can result in injuries to the spine or surrounding tissues, leading to back pain.

5. Arthritis: Osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis affecting the spine can cause pain and stiffness in the lower back.

Simple Habits for a Pain-Free Lifestyle

Back pain can be a common consequence of our daily routines, but adopting a few lifestyle changes can make a significant difference in promoting a healthy spine. Here are some quick and practical habits to integrate into your daily life:

1. Stress Reduction: Stress-reducing activities, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can be incorporated into Ayurvedic back pain treatments. Stress can contribute to muscle tension, aggravating back pain.

2. Ergonomic Workspace: Arrange your workspace to support good posture. Ensure your chair and desk are at the right height, and position your computer monitor at eye level to reduce strain.

back pain relief treatment

3. Mindful Posture: Be conscious of your posture while sitting, standing, and walking. Ensure your spine is in a neutral position, and make adjustments to your workspace for ergonomic support.

4. Regular Stretching: Incorporate short stretching breaks into your day, especially if you have a desk job. Stretching helps prevent stiffness and promotes flexibility in the muscles supporting your spine.

5. Stay Active: Engage in regular, low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or yoga. Strengthening your core muscles provides essential support for your back.

6. Comfortable Footwear: Invest in supportive, comfortable shoes to maintain proper body alignment and reduce the impact on your spine during daily activities.

7. Quality Sleep: Choose a mattress and pillows that provide proper support for your spine. Good quality sleep is crucial for overall health, including the well-being of your back.

Diagnosis of Back Pain:

1. Medical History and Physical Examination: Healthcare professionals begin by taking a detailed medical history and conducting a physical examination to identify potential causes and areas of pain.

2. Imaging Tests: X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans may be ordered to visualize the structures of the spine and identify any abnormalities or conditions contributing to the pain.

3. Blood Tests: In some cases, blood tests may be conducted to rule out systemic conditions or infections that could be causing the lower back pain.

4. Diagnostic Injections: Local anesthetic injections into specific areas of the spine can help identify the source of pain and confirm a diagnosis.

Prevention through Ayurveda:

1. Herbal Remedies:- Tigris Valley, Ayurveda Retreat in Kerala harnesses the healing power of herbs such as Ashwagandha and Guggul, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. These natural remedies help manage pain.

2. Yoga and Pranayama:- Incorporating specific yoga postures and controlled breathing exercises into daily routines strengthens the core muscles, improves posture, and enhances overall spinal health.

3. Ayurvedic Massages:- Through therapeutic oil massages, like the traditional Abhyanga, provide targeted relief to the lower back. These massages help alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote overall well-being.

ayurvedic back pain treatment

4. Panchakarma Treatment:- The Panchakarma detoxification process, provided in Tigris Valley according to Ayurvedic principles, assists in the elimination of toxins that contribute to back pain while restoring overall balance in the body.

5. Kizhi and Pizhichil:- Ayurvedic therapies like Kizhi (herbal poultice massage) and Pizhichil (oil bath) are tailored to address spinal issues, providing targeted relief and promoting overall spinal health.

Tigris Valley offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to the prevention and treatment of back pain. By combining lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies, and traditional therapies, our Ayurvedic practitioners aim to not only manage the symptoms but address the root causes, providing lasting relief and promoting overall well-being. Seeking guidance from our experienced professionals ensures a tailored and effective approach to ayurvedic pain management.

Ayurvedic Approach to Curing Psoriasis Permanently

Achieving Lasting Relief: The Ayurvedic Approach to Curing Psoriasis Permanently

Psoriasis is not merely a superficial skin issue; it manifests an underlying imbalance within the body affecting around 3% of adults. This results in red, raised, and often scaly patches or lesions that can be itchy and painful. While a definitive cure for psoriasis remains elusive, our wellness retreat in India specializes in offering effective medications and ayurvedic treatment plans designed to alleviate symptoms and enhance the overall quality of life for our patients.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease, that leads to the rapid buildup of skin cells. While the exact cause of psoriasis remains unclear, it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors triggering an abnormal immune response. The condition can have a significant impact on an individual’s physical and emotional well-being, often leading to discomfort, self-consciousness, and reduced quality of life.

At Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, we provide psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda focusing on balancing the body’s doshas (vital energies) to relieve symptoms and promote skin health. It employs natural remedies such as herbal formulations, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes to reduce inflammation, enhance detoxification, and improve overall well-being. By addressing the root causes of psoriasis, this integrated approach aims to provide long-lasting relief and support skin regeneration. We recognize the multifaceted nature of psoriasis and its potential effects on overall health. Our integrated approach to managing psoriasis involves personalized treatment plans, incorporating specialized skin care, anti-inflammatory therapies, stress management techniques, and nutritional guidance. Through our comprehensive programs, we aim to not only alleviate the symptoms but also empower individuals to cultivate a balanced and sustainable lifestyle, promoting overall wellness and enhancing their sense of inner peace and confidence.

What is the cause of Psoriasis?

psoriasis treatment in Tigris Valley Retreat

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease where the body’s immune system becomes overactive, leading to the rapid production of skin cells. Many individuals with psoriasis have a family history of the condition, and specific genes related to immune system function have been identified as potential contributors.

Some external factors that might increase the likelihood of developing psoriasis include:

– Infections, particularly streptococcal and HIV infections.

– Certain medications, such as those used for heart disease, malaria, or mental health conditions.

– Smoking.

– Obesity.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

While the onset of symptoms typically occurs between the ages of 15 and 25, psoriasis can affect individuals of all ages and diverse skin types. Our Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment can heal these from roots:

Psoriasis symptoms can vary and may include:

– Thick, red patches of skin with silvery-white scales, often itchy or burning.

– Poor sleep quality can be a common issue associated with psoriasis.

– Dry, cracked skin that may itch or bleed.

– Thick, ridged, or pitted nails.

Psoriatic arthritis symptoms can involve:

– Stiff, swollen, or painful joints.

– Neck or back pain.

– Achilles heel pain.

Types of Psoriasis

scalp psoriasis treatment

Scalp Psoriasis: Scalp psoriasis, often a source of persistent discomfort and embarrassment, requires specialized care and attention. At Tigris Valley, our experts provide gentle yet effective scalp psoriasis treatment, including herbal pastes, oils, and natural cleansers, to nourish and soothe the scalp. Through personalized scalp care regimens and holistic healing practices, we aim to reduce scalp psoriasis and provide lasting relief, promoting healthy hair and skin.

Guttate psoriasis: Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that manifests as small, red, scaly teardrop-shaped lesions on the skin. At Tigris Valley, Ayurvedic Wellness Retreat, we provide a specialized treatment approach for guttate psoriasis, including customized skin care, topical treatments, phototherapy, stress management strategies, and nutritional counseling to alleviate symptoms, promote skin healing, and enhance overall health and well-being.

Pustular psoriasis: Pustular psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis characterized by the appearance of pus-filled blisters on the skin, often accompanied by redness and scaling. At Tigris Valley Ayurvedic  Wellness Retreat, we employ a comprehensive treatment approach for pustular psoriasis, integrating specialized skin care, anti-inflammatory medications, stress management techniques, and dietary modifications to alleviate symptoms, promote skin healing, and enhance overall quality of life.

Nail Psoriasis: It affects the fingernails and toenails, causing symptoms such as pitting (small dents), discoloration, thickening, and separation from the nail bed. While treatments can help manage symptoms and improve nail appearance, there is no permanent cure for psoriasis. At Tigris Valley, we focus on effective management strategies and personalized care to help you achieve the best results for your nail health. Consulting a dermatologist can provide a customized plan for effective management.

Psoriatic arthritis: Psoriatic arthritis often precedes the development of red, scaly skin patches, while in some cases, joint problems manifest concurrently. Its main indicators include joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. At Tigris Valley, our Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment regimens for patients emphasize a multimodal approach to relieve its crippling symptoms. Through a combination of specialised therapies, joint-nourishing herbal remedies, and personalized lifestyle modifications, we aim to reduce inflammation, redeem pain, and improve joint mobility. By addressing the underlying doshic imbalances contributing to psoriatic arthritis, we strive to provide a comprehensive and lasting solution to this challenging condition.

What we provide: The Key to a Permanent Psoriasis Cure

Permanent Cure from Our Psoriasis Treatment

While conventional treatments provide temporary relief, the quest for a permanent cure often needs to be fulfilled. At Tigris Valley, we offer a holistic approach to psoriasis treatment, through a comprehensive assessment, aiming to provide treatment protocols that address the root cause, providing long-term relief and restoring balance to the body, mind, and spirit. By incorporating traditional Ayurvedic practices and treatment plans, we strive to provide lasting relief for those seeking a permanent solution to their psoriasis.

Our Ayurvedic practitioners work closely with individuals, guiding dietary modifications, stress management techniques, and the incorporation of mindful practices into daily life. With a combination of herbal remedies, personalized dietary plans, stress management techniques, and specialized therapies, we work to cleanse the body of toxins, restore doshic balance, and strengthen the immune system. By fostering a holistic lifestyle that supports overall well-being, we empower individuals to maintain the balance achieved through our wellness hospital thus ensuring a lasting and sustainable cure for psoriasis.