Reverse your diabetes and improve heart health through Tigris Valley’s Integrated diabetes treatment.

Reverse your diabetes and improve heart health through Tigris Valley’s Integrated diabetes treatment.

Did you know that having diabetes increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease? For those living with diabetes constantly monitoring blood sugar levels often reveals an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular complications. Diabetes can affect individuals of any age and the risk and management methods can vary significantly across different age groups. In adults, particularly those over 45, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly high due to factors like insulin resistance, hypertension, and cholesterol imbalance. The combination of ageing, potential weight gain, and other health conditions can intensify cardiovascular risks. Adults with diabetes are more likely to face severe complications including heart disease and stroke making careful management of blood glucose levels and overall cardiovascular health.

Tigris Valley, a premium ayurvedic wellness hospital provides cardiac wellness treatment. Our expert ayurvedic practitioners start treatment with a detailed assessment including an evaluation of your medical history, lifestyle, and body structure. It will help us to identify your unique needs and create a personalised treatment plan. They can offer personalized advice and ensure that any treatments or remedies are appropriate for your health.

diabetes treatment in kerala

What Are the Early Signs of Heart Problems in Diabetic Patients?

Maintaining heart health is critical to managing diabetes and reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications. People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases including stroke, heart attack, and hypertension due to factors such as high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol levels. At Tigris Valley wellness retreat, We provide the best ayurvedic treatment for diabetes and also promote the importance of early detection and management of heart problems in diabetic patients. Our wellness programs include Ayurveda stroke rehabilitation treatments personalized dietary plans, and lifestyle modifications to support cardiovascular health. 

What are the symptoms that indicate cardiovascular problems in diabetic patients?

Chest Pain or Discomfort

Chest pain is felt like pressure, squeezing, or fullness in the chest and may affect the arms, neck, jaw, or back. It can indicate serious conditions like angina or a heart attack particularly if it happens during physical activity or stress. Prompt medical attention is crucial if you experience this symptom.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is a sensation of difficulty breathing or an unusual feeling of breathlessness. It may occur during physical activity or at rest and can be a sign of cardiovascular issues such as heart failure or other serious conditions.

Swelling of the Arms and Legs

Swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet can be a sign of poor circulation or cardiovascular issues such as heart failure. This swelling may be noticeable and constant, and it can impact your mobility and comfort.

Nausea or Vomiting

Nausea or vomiting can be symptoms of various conditions including cardiovascular issues such as a heart attack. This discomfort may be accompanied by sweating or indigestion, and it can be particularly concerning when occurring suddenly or consistently. If you experience these symptoms, especially with other signs like chest pain or shortness of breath, seek medical attention promptly.

How Can You Prevent Common Complications of Diabetes?

Diabetes is manageable but it can lead to complications if not properly controlled. Common issues include cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, kidney problems, and vision damage. Tigris Valley wellness retreat in kerala provides a systematic approach to each of these potential complications helping you understand their causes and how they can be prevented.

To prevent diabetes, focus on maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in regular physical activity. Monitor your health with regular check-ups, avoid smoking, limit alcohol intake, manage stress, ensure quality sleep, and know your family history. Staying informed and proactive about your health can significantly reduce your risk of developing diabetes. By adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle including proper blood sugar management, regular exercise, and routine medical care, individuals with diabetes can significantly improve their overall health and quality of life. Regular communication with healthcare professionals and loyalty to prescribed treatments support the prevention of heart-related issues.

Effective Management Strategies for Balancing Work and Chronic Diabetes

Managing chronic diabetes while balancing work and personal life can be challenging. Stress can impair concentration and thinking ability leading to reduced work performance. For diabetics, this can be merged with the need to manage their condition throughout the workday. Health-related issues developing from stress can lead to more frequent absences from work, which can affect job stability and career progression. 

Managing work-related stress is essential for maintaining overall health and effective diabetes control. To reduce stress, individuals should include stress relief treatment such as mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises into their daily routine. Establishing a balanced work schedule, prioritizing tasks, and taking regular breaks can help manage workload and prevent stress. It’s also important to communicate with employers about any necessary accommodations, such as flexible hours or practical adjustments to create a more supportive work environment. Additionally seeking support from friends, family, or professional counselors can provide valuable assistance in managing stress and its impact on diabetes. At Tigris Valley, we recognize the various challenges associated with maintaining your health in a high-pressure work environment. By implementing these methods, individuals can better manage stress, leading to improved blood sugar control and overall health.

How Stress Affects Diabetics?

Stress is more than just a mental or emotional burden. It can significantly impact physical health, especially for those managing chronic conditions like diabetes. At Tigris Valley, we are dedicated to providing the resources and support needed to manage the challenges of stress and diabetes effectively. Stress can significantly impact diabetes management by causing temporary variations in blood sugar levels due to the release of stress hormones. Chronic stress can reduce insulin effectiveness making it harder to control blood glucose levels. Additionally, stress may lead to unhealthy eating habits, disturbed sleep, and ignoring of self-care routines, all of which can complicate diabetes management. Managing stress effectively is crucial for maintaining stable blood sugar levels and overall health.

Stress Management Strategies for Better Diabetes Control

Effectively managing stress is essential for better diabetes control. Here are key strategies to help mitigate stress and enhance diabetes outcomes:

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Engage in mindfulness practices and relaxation methods such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga to reduce stress. These methods help calm the mind, lower stress hormones, and promote overall wellness which can support better blood sugar control in diabetes management.

Healthy Lifestyle 

Adopt a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and thin proteins to support stable blood sugar levels. Combine this with regular physical activity, such as walking or strength training, to improve insulin utilization and manage stress. Together these lifestyle choices help maintain overall health and enhance diabetes control.

Create a Routine and Self-Care Plan

Create a consistent daily routine that includes regular meals, exercise, and adequate sleep to maintain stability and reduce stress. Prioritize self-care by monitoring your blood sugar levels, managing stress, and making time for relaxation and hobbies. A structured routine and dedicated self-care support health and effective diabetes management.

How does Ayurveda help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in diabetic patients?

Tigris Valley offers an integrated approach to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, particularly for individuals with diabetes. By addressing the root causes of these conditions and promoting overall balance in the body, Tigris Valley provides a balanced approach to improving heart health and managing diabetes. Here’s how ayurvedic treatments can be beneficial:

Dietary Modifications

Ayurveda focuses on a balanced diet customized to individual body types to support heart health and manage diabetes. It recommends low glycemic foods, whole grains, fresh vegetables, and heart-healthy fats to maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce cardiovascular risks. Spices and herbs like turmeric, cinnamon, and garlic are used for their anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties. Ayurveda also supports mindful eating, moderation, and consuming seasonal fresh foods to enhance overall wellness and prevent disease spread.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies can be highly effective for managing diabetes and supporting overall health. Key herbs include bitter melon which may lower blood sugar levels, fenugreek for improving insulin sensitivity, and Gymnema which helps reduce sugar needs. Turmeric and cinnamon have anti-inflammatory properties and can enhance insulin sensitivity, while amla and neem are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that promote metabolic health. amla can help protect the heart and blood vessels from damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha help reduce stress further supporting blood sugar regulation. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional before using these remedies to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Lifestyle Practices

At Tigris Valley, we promote gentle exercises like yoga and walking to improve circulation, manage weight, and reduce stress with specific poses such as Cobra Pose and Warrior Pose being particularly beneficial for heart health. Additionally, stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness are emphasized to enhance mental well-being, which is crucial for effectively managing diabetes and cardiovascular health.

Full Body Detox and Cleansing

Full body detoxification and cleansing are essential for managing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases by removing accumulated toxins from the body and promoting overall health. Panchakarma ayurvedic treatment enhances metabolic function and improves digestion, helping regulate blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation in diabetics. For those with cardiovascular diseases, cleansing therapies can lower cholesterol levels, improve circulation, and reduce blood pressure. Through wellness massages, herbal remedies, and dietary adjustments, these practices support relaxation and stress reduction, ultimately enhancing energy levels, boosting immunity, and fostering the body’s natural healing processes.

Personalized Care

Personalized care is essential for effectively managing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, as it customizes treatment to each individual’s unique needs and conditions. This approach includes comprehensive health assessments, customized meal plans focusing on low glycemic foods, regular blood sugar monitoring, and the integration of herbal remedies to improve insulin sensitivity. For cardiovascular health, personalized plans may involve tailored exercise regimens, stress management techniques, and regular screenings. By providing ongoing support and education, personalized care strengthens patients to make informed health choices, enhancing commitment to treatment and reducing the risk of complications.

By merging these ayurvedic treatments into daily life, diabetic patients can support their cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease. These balanced strategies aim to address essential imbalances, promote overall well-being, and enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments. Tigris Valley wellness hospital in Kerala, is dedicated to supporting each person’s unique journey toward better health. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, especially if you have existing health conditions or are on medication.

Experience the Healing from Psoriasis Through Shirodhara Treatment

Experience the Healing from Psoriasis Through Shirodhara Treatment at Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat

Living with psoriasis can be frustrating and painful with persistent itching, scaling, and redness affecting your physical and emotional well-being. Psoriasis can affect anyone but commonly emerges between the ages of 15 and 35. The condition often runs in families, so those with a family history are at a higher risk. Psoriasis can affect both men and women across all communities, though its frequency and severity may vary. Factors like stress, infections, smoking, obesity, and certain medications can stimulate or intensify the condition. 

While conventional treatments can offer some relief, many people are exploring alternative treatments like Shirodhara for a more natural approach. Shirodhara, a traditional Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala, may offer a holistic solution by addressing the symptoms and underlying causes of psoriasis. At Tigris Valley, One of the best wellness hospital in India, we offer personalized Shirodhara treatments customized to your unique needs. Our experienced Ayurvedic practitioners use high-quality organic oils and follow traditional methods to ensure maximum efficiency. Our calm environment is perfect for healing, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the rejuvenating experience.

How Can You Identify the Symptoms and Causes of Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by symptoms and underlying causes that significantly impact the skin and overall well-being. The primary symptoms of psoriasis include red, scaly patches commonly found on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back, which can be intensely itchy, dry, and cracked, leading to discomfort and potential bleeding. Additionally, it can affect the nails, causing changes such as pitting or discolouration, and may lead to psoriatic arthritis, which results in joint pain and stiffness. Psoriasis can also affect the scalp with scaling and redness, sometimes causing hair loss and severe dandruff.

Psoriasis condition is influenced by genetic factors and an overactive immune response often triggered by stress, infections, or skin injuries. Lifestyle factors, including smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, can further increase psoriasis symptoms. In Tigris Valley, a thorough understanding of the symptoms and causes of psoriasis is essential for effective management and treatment. By recognizing these factors, individuals can collaborate with healthcare expert practitioners to develop customized treatment plans that address symptoms and underlying causes leading to more effective management of the condition.

What Are the Potential Benefits of Shirodhara for Psoriasis and Other Skin Conditions?

Ayurvedic treatments are always a better option for psoriasis cure. The treatment includes many methods like, panchakarma treatment, Shirodhara treatment, yoga and meditations, proper diet plans and so on. Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment is beneficial because it provides deep hydration to dry, rough skin, soothes irritation and reduces itching. The therapy also helps alleviate stress, a common trigger for psoriasis attacks by promoting relaxation. Additionally, Shirodhara Treatment supports overall skin health and healing through improved circulation and nourishment from the warm medicated oil.

For individuals in the Tigris Valley Ayurvedic wellness retreat, finding a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner is crucial for Shirodhara therapy to your specific needs. The local climate and lifestyle factors can influence the selection of appropriate treatments and their overall effectiveness making personalized guidance essential for optimal results.

Stress reduction 

Shirodhara is widely recognized for its ability to reduce stress which can significantly improve psoriasis management. The continuous flow of warm oil on the forehead activates the calming nervous system and promotes deep relaxation. This stress reduction can help to decrease irritation in the body, lower stress hormone levels which can intensify psoriasis symptoms, and Improve overall skin health.

Potential reduction in psoriasis symptoms

Many psoriasis patients have reported a noticeable improvement in symptoms after undergoing Shirodhara treatment. Some potential benefits include reduced skin redness and irritation, decreased scaling and flaking, and Improved skin texture and appearance. The therapy’s hydrating effects contribute to a more even skin surface and a healthier look. By promoting better skin moisture and reducing dryness, Shirodhara supports a more resilient and aesthetically pleasing skin texture.

Enhanced skin hydration

The warm oil in Shirodhara can provide moisturizing benefits to the scalp and skin. This process helps to alleviate dryness, reduce flakiness, and soothe irritation. Proper hydration can also strengthen the skin protection function and prevent further damage and discomfort. The choice of oil is crucial in Shirodhara treatment for psoriasis. Here are some commonly used oils:

Coconut oil: Contains moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties
Sesame oil: Rich in antioxidants and promotes skin healing
Neem oil: Possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties
Brahmi oil: Helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation

Improved sleep quality

Many psoriasis patients struggle with sleep disturbances due to itching and discomfort. Shirodhara promotes deep relaxation by reducing stress and anxiety. The warm oil helps to quiet the mind and calm the body’s stress response, making it easier for individuals to unwind and prepare for restful sleep. This relaxation effect can lead to quicker sleep onset and more uninterrupted sleep. Patients often find that the therapy helps them achieve deeper, more restorative sleep which is essential for overall health and healing.

By addressing the various aspects of psoriasis management, Shirodhara offers a holistic approach to symptom relief and overall well-being. At Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, we provide the best Shirodhara ayurvedic psoriasis treatment. Integrating Shirodhara into your psoriasis treatment plan can thus offer a comprehensive and supportive approach. Its ability to address the skin’s immediate needs and underlying stress factors makes it a valuable complement to conventional treatments. By enhancing hydration, reducing irritation, and promoting overall relaxation, Shirodhara can help achieve a more balanced, effective, and holistic management of psoriasis, contributing to improved comfort and quality of life.

Rejuvenate Your Spine: The Role of Ayurvedic Treatment for Managing Disc Bulging at Tigris Valley

Rejuvenate Your Spine: The Role of Ayurvedic Treatment for Managing Disc Bulging at Tigris Valley

Are you constantly suffering from severe back pain and neck pain all the time? frequent discomfort could be a sign of disc bulging, a condition where the discs between the backbones in your spine become displaced or damaged. Professionals who work in the IT sector, banking, Sports professionals, Drivers, and people who spend long hours sitting are particularly affected by this issue. Major factors that contribute to disc bulging include repetitive stress, obesity, age-related degeneration, injuries, genetic dispositions, and our modern lifestyle. By understanding the symptoms, and causes, and exploring effective treatments, especially through Ayurvedic approaches you can find a path to lasting relief and improved mobility.

At Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, a premium ayurvedic wellness hospital in India, provides the best disc bulge ayurvedic treatment for managing and healing a bulging disc focusing on holistic and natural approaches to pain and promoting spine health. It emphasizes balancing the body’s energies and using herbal remedies, diet, and lifestyle modifications. Our treatments always recommend consulting an expert ayurvedic practitioner who can develop a personalized treatment plan designed to your individual needs.

Is Ayurvedic Treatment Effective for Disc Bulging?

Ayurveda offers natural treatments for managing disc bulging, focusing on holistic healing, detoxification, and restoring balance. These methods aim to reduce pain and inflammation while supporting the tissues around the spine. At Tigris Valley, our treatments address the root cause of the disc bulge and support overall spinal health. 

Here’s an overview of some effective Ayurvedic therapies for disc bulging:

Panchakarma Therapy 
Panchakarma therapy offers a holistic approach to managing disc bulging. It occurs when a spinal disc rises from its normal position often leading to pain, inflammation, and restricted movement. From an Ayurvedic perspective, disc bulging is often associated with an imbalance of the Vata Dosha, which regulates movement and activity in the body. Excessive Vata can lead to dryness, degeneration of tissues, and inflammation.

Panchakarma therapy aims to remove toxins that accumulate in the body and contribute to inflammation and pain. Balancing the doshas, especially pacifying Vata, can restore the natural state of the body’s systems. Additionally, strengthening and nourishing practices help rejuvenate the spinal tissues, enhancing the overall health of the spine.

Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage)
Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic massage using warm herbal oils. It improves blood circulation and reduces muscle tension and pain. For disc bulging, this ayurvedic massage focuses on the back and spine helping to ease stiffness and support the healing process. By relaxing the nervous system and nourishing the skin, Abhyanga helps detoxify the body, improve joint flexibility, and rejuvenate overall well-being.

Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies involve using plants and their extracts to treat various health conditions and enhance overall well-being. These natural treatments can address a range of issues from digestive troubles and respiratory problems to stress and skin conditions. Herbs such as turmeric, ginger, and ashwagandha are often used in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda for their therapeutic properties. Herbal remedies are typically in the form of teas, capsules, or topical applications and they aim to support the body’s natural healing processes with minimal side effects.

Several Ayurvedic herbs are recognized for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, making them beneficial for treating disc bulging. Guggul helps reduce pain and swelling associated with disc bulging. Ashwagandha reduces stress and inflammation, promoting overall spinal health and aiding in the healing of disc issues. Shallaki (Boswellia) is effective in reducing inflammation and improving joint health, supporting the healing of affected discs.

Nasya (Nasal Administration)
Nasya, or nasal administration is an Ayurvedic treatment involving the application of herbal oils or medicines into the nostrils. This practice is used to clear and detoxify the nasal passages, improve mental clarity, and support respiratory health. By facilitating the absorption of medicinal herbs through the nasal tissue, Nasya helps balance the doshas, particularly the Vata dosha, and can address issues such as sinus congestion, headaches, and allergies. It is often used as part of a complete detoxification program in Ayurveda.

Yoga and Pranayama
Yoga and Pranayama are integral practices in Ayurveda and holistic wellness focusing on the body, mind, and breath. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that includes postures (asanas), breath control, and meditation. It aims to improve flexibility, strength, and balance while reducing stress and enhancing overall well-being. Regular practice of yoga promotes physical health, mental clarity, and emotional stability. Pranayama refers to the practice of controlled breathing techniques designed to regulate the flow of vital energy (prana) in the body. It involves various techniques such as deep breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and breath retention. Pranayama helps to balance the nervous system, increase lung capacity, and calm the mind, fostering a deeper connection between body and spirit.

6. Diet and Lifestyle Modifications
Diet and lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in maintaining optimal health and well-being. Customizing your diet to your unique body type can improve digestion and balance. Establishing a regular routine, incorporating physical activity, and practicing stress management techniques like meditation or yoga support overall vitality. Additionally, mindful eating and proper hydration contribute to better health outcomes and a more harmonious lifestyle. These adjustments help your daily habits with your body’s needs, encouraging a balanced and healthy life.

7. Raktamokshana (Bloodletting)
Raktamokshana, or bloodletting, is an Ayurvedic therapy used to remove impurities and toxins from the blood. This practice aims to balance the doshas, particularly Pitta, and address conditions like skin disorders, inflammatory diseases, and certain types of chronic ailments. It involves controlled extraction of a small quantity of blood through methods. It helps to purify the bloodstream, improve circulation, and restore overall health by eliminating excess heat and toxins.

By combining body detoxification, herbal remedies, physical therapies, and lifestyle adjustments, Ayurveda offers a natural and comprehensive solution for spinal health. For best results, Tigris Valley is advisable to consult with an expert ayurvedic practitioner to create a personalized treatment plan designed for individual needs. 

What lifestyle practices can support disc bulging?

Supporting the Ayurvedic treatment of a bulging disc involves a holistic approach that includes lifestyle practices to alleviate symptoms and promote healing. At Tigris Valley, an ayurvedic wellness retreat individuals can find a comprehensive program designed to their specific needs. Here are some lifestyle practices recommended to support bulging disc Ayurvedic treatment.

1. Dietary Adjustments
Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, excessive caffeine, and sugary items. Herbal teas like ginger and turmeric can be beneficial due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Regular Yoga and Stretching
Engage in gentle yoga practices focusing on stretching and strengthening the back muscles. Poses like Cat-Cow, Child’s Pose, and Cobra Pose can help alleviate pressure on the spine.

3. Proper Posture
Maintain proper posture while sitting, standing, and sleeping to avoid additional strain on the spine. Use body-supporting furniture and ensure your sleeping arrangement supports your spine’s natural alignment.

4. Self-Massage
Practice self-massage with warm Ayurvedic oils which can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and relieve muscle tension around the spine.

5. Stress Management Techniques
Chronic stress can intensify pain and inflammation includes relaxation techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices to calm the mind and body.

6. Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements: 
Ayurvedic herbal supplements can help manage disc bulges by reducing inflammation and pain while promoting healing. Herbs like Guggul, Ashwagandha, and Shallaki support spinal health and reduce discomfort.

7. Hydration 
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep the body hydrated, which is crucial for maintaining the elasticity and health of spinal discs.

By embracing these lifestyle practices at Tigris Valley guests can enhance the effectiveness of bulging disc ayurvedic treatment and find relief in a serene and supportive environment.

What dietary plans do Ayurveda recommend for a bulging disc?

In Ayurveda, dietary changes play a crucial role in managing disc bulging by addressing inflammation, supporting tissue repair, and balancing the doshas. Here are some key dietary recommendations:

Anti-Inflammatory Foods: 
Focus on foods that have natural anti-inflammatory properties incorporate turmeric, ginger, and garlic into your meals, as they can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Warm, Cooked Foods: 
Prefer warm, cooked foods over raw or cold items. Cooked vegetables, soups, and stews are easier on the digestive system and help in balancing the Vata dosha, which is often enhanced in conditions like disc bulging.

Healthy Fats: 
Include sources of healthy fats, such as ghee and sesame oil. These fats help lubricate the joints and tissues and support overall spine health.

Hydrating Foods: 
Eat foods with high water content to stay hydrated and support the elasticity of spinal discs. Examples include cucumbers, melons, and leafy greens.

Whole Grains: 
Opt for whole grains like rice, quinoa, and barley, which are easy to digest and help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation.

Fruits and Vegetables: 
Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Opt for those with high antioxidant content, such as berries, apples, and leafy greens, which help fight inflammation and support tissue repair.

Avoid Excessive Salt and Sugar:
Minimize the intake of processed foods, excessive salt, and refined sugars, as they can contribute to inflammation and disrupt overall balance.

8. Balanced Meals: 
Ensure that your meals are balanced with an appropriate mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This helps in maintaining overall health and supporting the body’s healing processes.

Ayurvedic treatment for herniated disc/disc bulging at Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat offers a natural, holistic alternative that targets the root cause of the problem. By balancing the body’s energies and promoting overall health, Ayurveda provides a sustainable solution for those suffering from disc-related issues.  Our personalized therapies and targeted herbal treatments are specialized to address the unique needs of each individual, promoting not only relief from symptoms but also overall well-being. In the calm and relaxing environment of our luxury wellness retreat in Kerala, clients can experience profound healing and rejuvenation.

Rehabilitation Treatments for Treating Sports Injuries at Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat

Rehabilitation Treatment for Sports Injuries at Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat

Sports and physical activities are essential for maintaining health and fitness. Whether you’re a professional athlete or recreational player, managing pain and sports injuries is a difficult challenge. Every year, so many sports professionals & enthusiasts face the challenge of joint pain, muscle strain, disc bulge, tendonitis, and sprains which can threaten their ability to perform and enjoy their favourite activities. Engaging in sports like Football, basketball, soccer, tennis, or even trekking can put significant stress on our muscles, joints, and other body parts due to the sudden starts, stops, and directional changes involved. But here’s the thing: joint pain doesn’t have to be the new normal. Understanding the causes, prevention strategies, and treatment options for sports-related joint pain can be the key to returning to the game.
Tigris Valley Ayurvedic Wellness Resort, nestled in the serene landscapes of Kerala, India, is renowned as one of the best wellness retreats in India, offering holistic Ayurvedic treatments. The resort is a sanctuary for those seeking natural and effective for sports injuries treatment, sports rehabilitation, and post-surgical recovery.

At Tigris Valley, the approach to sports injury treatment is comprehensive, combining traditional Ayurvedic wisdom with modern medical practices. The resort boasts a team of specialized doctors and therapists who are experts in Ayurvedic sports medicine. These professionals provide personalized treatment plans tailored to the specific needs of each athlete, ensuring optimal recovery and long-term health

What Are the Common Types of Sports Injuries And Its Causes

injuries can result from accidents, inadequate training, improper gear, or insufficient warm-up exercises.

Strains: Sprains involve the stretching or tearing of ligaments, the tissues that connect bones. They often occur in the ankles, knees, and wrists. Strains are injuries to muscles or tendons, the tissues that connect muscles to bones. They are common in the back, hamstrings, and shoulders.

Knee Injuries: Knee injuries are frequent in sports, especially those that involve running, jumping, and sudden changes in direction. Common knee injuries include:

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears: Often caused by sudden stops or changes in direction.

Meniscus Tears: Resulting from twisting movements.

Patellar Tendonitis: Inflammation of the tendon connecting the kneecap to the shinbone.

Fractures: Fractures, or broken bones, are caused by a significant force impact. Common fractures in sports include:

Stress Fractures: Small cracks in the bone caused by repetitive force, often in the lower legs and feet.

Acute Fractures: Sudden breaks usually resulting from falls or direct blows.

Dislocations: A dislocation occurs when a bone is forced out of its normal position in a joint. The shoulder is the most commonly dislocated joint, but dislocations can also occur in the fingers, knees, and elbows.

Tendonitis: Tendonitis Is the inflammation of a tendon, often due to overuse. Common types include:

Achilles Tendonitis: Pain and inflammation in the tendon connecting the calf muscles to the heel bone, common in runners.

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis: Affects the shoulder, particularly in sports involving overhead motions like swimming or tennis.

Concussions: Concussions are traumatic brain injuries caused by a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly within the skull. They are common in contact sports like football, rugby, and boxing.

Shin Splints: Shin splints refer to pain along the shinbone (tibia), often occurring in runners and athletes who suddenly increase their training intensity. It’s typically caused by overuse or improper footwear.

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis): This injury is caused by overuse of the forearm muscles, leading to inflammation of the tendons on the outside of the elbow. It’s common in tennis players but can affect anyone who performs repetitive arm movements.

Plantar Fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis involves inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot. It’s common in runners and athletes who engage in sports involving much running or jumping.

Hamstring Injuries: Hamstring injuries involve tears or strains in the muscles at the back of the thigh. They are common in sports that require sprinting, such as soccer, track, and football.

Why Athletes Experience Joint Pain and How to Prevent It?

Athletes often experience joint pain due to the high physical activities including repetitive stress, overuse injuries, improper technique, and lack of adequate rest. High-impact sports and activities that involve frequent jumping, running, or sudden changes in direction can intensify these issues, leading to inflammation, wear, tear, and overall discomfort. Rehabilitation in sports injuries by Tigris Valley offers practical strategies to prevent joint injuries, including proper warm-up routines, strength training, and the importance of technique and recovery. Here’s why it happens and some ways to prevent it:

Causes of Sports-Related Pain in Athletes

– Repeated stress on joints from frequent training 

– Severe injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures

– Poor form or technique during exercise

– Insufficient rest between workouts 

– Muscle imbalances or weakness

– As athletes age, wear and tear on joints 

Holistic Sports Injury Treatment and Rehabilitation at Tigris Valley Ayurvedic Wellness Resort

The treatment process begins with a detailed assessment of the injury, followed by a customized therapy plan. The resort uses a blend of herbal medicines, therapeutic massages, and Panchakarma therapies to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and promote healing. Ayurvedic treatments like Kizhi (herbal poultice) and Abhyanga (therapeutic oil massage) are particularly effective in enhancing blood circulation, relaxing muscles, and restoring mobility.

For sports rehabilitation, Tigris Valley offers a structured program that focuses on strengthening the affected area, improving flexibility, and preventing future injuries. The rehabilitation process is supported by yoga and meditation sessions, which help in regaining physical strength and mental resilience.

In post-surgical treatment, the resort provides a nurturing environment for recovery. Ayurvedic therapies are designed to accelerate healing, reduce scar tissue formation, and restore the body’s natural balance. The serene surroundings and personalized care at Tigris Valley contribute significantly to the patient’s recovery, making it a preferred destination for holistic healing in India.

Tigris Valley Ayurvedic Wellness Resort stands out not just for its exceptional treatments but also for its commitment to nurturing the overall well-being of its guests, making it a haven for those on the path to recovery.

Journey to Rejuvenation & Mental Wellness Through The Best Panchakarma Treatment at Tigris Valley

Journey to Rejuvenation And Mental Wellness Through The Best Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala at Tigris Valley

Most people in our world experience and struggling high levels of stress or mental health challenges, like anxiety or depression especially people who work at IT Companies, Banking sectors, Sales & Marketing professionals, HR managers, and individuals recovering from illness or surgery. Recent studies indicate a significant rise in mental health issues among individuals aged 14-23, including depression, trauma, and addictions to phones or games. This age group faces unique challenges, including social pressures, academic stress, and the influence of digital media, leading to increased vulnerability to mental health disorders.

Choosing panchakarma treatment is the best way to rejuvenate the body and mind. Panchakarma treatment, an ancient Ayurvedic detoxification therapy, can be highly beneficial in addressing mental health issues like depression, trauma, and addictions in people of all ages. Through a series of cleansing and rejuvenating treatments, Panchakarma helps balance the body’s energies, reduce stress, and eliminate toxins. This holistic approach not only detoxifies the body but also calms the mind, improves emotional well-being, and restores mental clarity. By promoting relaxation and enhancing the body’s natural healing processes, Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatment offers a natural and effective way to alleviate mental health challenges and restore overall harmony

Spinal Issues Treatment

At Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat, We offer Panchakarma treatment in a systematic approach to health and wellness. We are one of the leading Ayurvedic wellness hospitals in Kerala, India that provide specially designed personalized mental health treatment through our Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment to stress relief, emotional trauma healing, and overall well-being like removing toxins, balance the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), and restore overall balance within the body. The Tigris Valley Panchakarma therapy targets the cause of illness rather than treating symptoms.

Why Choose Tigris Valley Wellness Retreats for Panchakarma Treatment?

Personalized Treatment Plans: Our Panchakarma treatments in Kerala begin with a comprehensive consultation where our experienced Ayurvedic doctors assess your physical, mental, and emotional health. This evaluation includes understanding your lifestyle, diet, stress levels, and any specific health concerns you may have. Based on this thorough assessment, a personalized treatment plan is crafted, targeting your unique imbalances and health goals. This customized approach ensures that every therapy you receive is perfectly aligned with your body’s needs, enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment and promoting long-lasting wellness.

Holistic Healing Environment: The serene environment at Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat plays an important role in your patients’ successful healing journey. Nestled in the lush greenery of Kerala, our wellness hospital offers a peaceful sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The natural surroundings, coupled with the soothing sound of flowing rivers and the fresh, pure air, create an ideal setting for relaxation and rejuvenation. Our retreat is designed to provide a holistic healing experience, where every aspect of your stay—from the Ayurvedic treatments to the organic, locally sourced meals—is focused on restoring balance and harmony to your body and mind. The combination of natural beauty, traditional Ayurvedic therapies, and modern comforts makes Tigris Valley a perfect destination for those seeking a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Comprehensive Post-Treatment Care: At Tigris Valley, the journey to wellness doesn’t end with the completion of your Panchakarma treatment. We believe in empowering our guests with the knowledge and tools they need to maintain the benefits of their treatment long after they leave our retreat. Our post-treatment care includes personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your dosha and health condition. We guide incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine, such as yoga, meditation, and Pranayama (breathing exercises), to sustain the balance achieved during your treatment. With this comprehensive approach, Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat ensures that you leave not just feeling rejuvenated, but also equipped to maintain a healthy and balanced life.

panchakarma treatment

Deep Detoxification: Panchakarma effectively eliminates deep toxins, promoting better digestion, clearer skin, and enhanced energy levels.

Stress Relief: The calming effects of Panchakarma and the surroundings of the Tigris Valley, help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to mental sharpness and emotional balance.

Improved Immunity: By balancing the doshas and purifying the body, Panchakarma strengthens the immune system, making it more resistant to illness.

Personalized Care: The Therapists at the Tigris Valley Ayurvedic wellness resort customize the Panchakarma treatment to each individual’s unique body structure, ensuring a personalized and effective Ayurvedic wellness retreat.

Restores Balance to the Doshas: According to Ayurveda, health is maintained by the balance of the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Panchakarma treatments are designed to bring these doshas back into balance, promoting harmony within the body and mind.

Improves Digestion and Metabolism: Panchakarma treatments help enhance the digestive fire (Agni), leading to better digestion and metabolism. This results in improved energy levels, reduced digestive disorders, and better overall health.

Rejuvenates the Body: Panchakarma therapy not only detoxifies but also rejuvenates the body. It nourishes the tissues, improves skin complexion, promotes better sleep, and slows down the aging process, leading to a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

Supports Healing of Chronic Conditions: Panchakarma is often used as a complementary treatment for chronic conditions like Osteoarthritis, diabetes, and hypertension. It helps manage symptoms, improve quality of life, and in some cases, may even reduce dependency on medication.

panchakarma treatment in kerala

What Precautions Should You Take After Panchakarma?

After the panchakarma treatment, it is important to follow specific precautions that help sustain the positive effects of Panchakarma and support overall health and wellness.

Follow a Balanced Diet: To keep the benefits of the panchakarma therapy, follow your practitioner’s advice. The diet should continue for at least a week after treatment. Stay away from junk food and beverages of all kinds to damage your entire course of treatment.

Physical Activities: Allow your body time to recover and stay away from stress and emotional activities. To increase flexibility and relaxation, engage in activities that calm your mind and body such as yoga, meditation, walking, reading, feeling positive, and relaxing. 

Stay Hydrated: Remember to drink 3-4 glasses of hot water in your daily routine. This will help your digestion issues as well as detoxify your body. You can also regularly drink various fruit and vegetable juices. 

Follow a good sleep schedule: After panchakarma treatment, it is very important to maintain a sleeping schedule. Remove yourself from the screen at least 2 hours before going to bed. Good sleep helps us to recover from stress and anxiety.

Observe your lifestyle: Follow any health and lifestyle recommendations that are provided by your practitioners. Attention to any changes in your health, and if you have any concerns, speak with your expert Ayurvedic practitioner.


Panchakarma ayurvedic treatment at the Tigris Valley is not just about physical detoxification, it is an integrated experience that encompasses mental and spiritual refreshment. If you are looking to refresh your body, mind, and soul, the Tigris Valley Panchakarma treatment offers an exceptional experience mainly for respiratory problems and pain management. It focuses on mental and emotional purification, aiming to balance the mind, body, and spirit for wellness. Whether you are new to Ayurveda or a seasoned practitioner, the Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat is the perfect destination for your Panchakarma retreat. 

Back to Balance: Ayurvedic Secrets for Pain-Free Living

Back to Balance: Ayurvedic Secrets for Pain-Free Living

Back pain is a common health concern that affects most people at some point in their lives. Whether it’s due to poor sleeping positions, careless sitting postures, or other lifestyle factors, back pain can significantly impact daily activities and overall well-being. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing and preventing back pain by addressing its root causes.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can arise from various factors, including:

– Sedentary lifestyle

– Poor ergonomics at work

– Lack of regular exercise

– Psychological stress

– Sports injuries

– Obesity

– Disc problems

– Muscle or ligament strain

– Chronic conditions like arthritis and spondylosis

Ayurvedic Approach to Back Pain

Ayurveda focuses on balancing the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) to maintain health and treat ailments. In the case of back pain, an imbalance in Vata is often the culprit, leading to muscle strain, joint inflammation, and nerve compression. Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore balance through natural remedies, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes.

ayurvedic back pain treatment

Ayurvedic Massage for Back Pain

One of the most effective back pain ayurvedic treatment is therapeutic massage using warm medicated oils. Abhyanga, a full-body oil massage, improves circulation, relaxes muscles, and reduces inflammation. Kati Vasti, a localized treatment, involves retaining warm oil on the lower back to enhance flexibility and blood flow, providing relief from pain and stiffness.

Herbal Remedies

Ayurveda employs various herbs to treat back pain and spinal issues. Some of the best Ayurvedic medicines for lower back pain include:

– Guggul: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, Guggul helps reduce swelling and pain.

– Nirgundi: This herb alleviates pain and supports joint health.

– Shallaki: Also known as Boswellia, Shallaki reduces inflammation and supports the musculoskeletal system.

– Ginger: A natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce pain and stiffness.

Panchakarma Therapies 

Panchakarma Treatment, a detoxification and rejuvenation program, is highly effective in treating chronic back pain and spinal issues. Treatments like Virechana (purgation) and Basti (medicated enemas) help eliminate toxins, balance doshas, and strengthen the bones and joints.

Kativasthi Treatment

Kativasthi is a specialized Ayurvedic treatment for spinal issues. It involves placing warm medicated oil or herbal decoctions on the lower back, bordered by a dough ring, followed by an Ayurvedic massage. This treatment nourishes the spine, strengthens connective tissues, and provides immediate relief from pain and tension.

Pranayama and Yoga

Breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom (alternate nostril breathing) help balance Vata dosha, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Mild yoga exercises and stretching also improve flexibility, strengthen the back muscles, and prevent future episodes of pain.

ayurvedic treatment for spinal issues

In addition to treatments, adopting healthy lifestyle practices can prevent back pain:

– Regular Exercise: Engage in back-stretching exercises and low-impact activities to keep the spine healthy.

– Proper Posture: Maintain correct posture while sitting, standing, and sleeping to avoid strain on the back.

– Frequent Breaks: Avoid sitting idle for long periods. Take short breaks every 30-40 minutes to stretch and move around.

– Ergonomics: Ensure your workspace is ergonomically designed to reduce strain on your back.

– Massage Therapy: Regular self-massage or professional massage can help maintain back health and prevent pain.

Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to treating and preventing back pain by addressing its root causes and promoting overall well-being. Through therapeutic massages, herbal remedies, Panchakarma therapies, and lifestyle modifications, Ayurveda provides effective and sustainable solutions for back pain relief. If you’re experiencing back pain, consider consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner to explore the best treatment options tailored to your needs. For those seeking specialized care, visiting Ayurvedic retreat in Kerala, Tigris Valley can provide personalized treatments and expert guidance to help you achieve lasting relief from back pain.

Holistic Joint Pain treatment and Prevention at Tigris Valley Ayurvedic Wellness Retreat

At Tigris Valley, our Ayurvedic wellness retreat in Kerala, we believe that ailments in the body, including joint pain, are caused by an imbalance in the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Any such imbalance can obstruct the flow of prana (life force) and affect nutrient circulation. Joint pain can result from physical injury, wear and tear, or underlying disease. In Ayurveda, joint pain is primarily due to an imbalanced Vata Dosha, which handles movement, blood flow, waste evacuation, and breathing. An excess of Ama, a metabolic toxin, in the joints leads to pain and stiffness.

Common Symptoms and Signs of Joint Pain

Joint pain, including knee pain and frozen shoulders, is a common complaint among adults, often caused by busy lifestyles and physical strain. Symptoms include joint redness, tenderness, limping, stiffness, weakness, reduced range of motion, swelling, or muscle cramps. Those with sedentary desk jobs, physically demanding activities, or older adults are particularly prone to joint pain. Our focus is on providing comprehensive Ayurvedic joint pain treatment through natural remedies and holistic practices. 

Underlying Problems of Joint Pain

Joint pain can stem from underuse, overuse, or viral infections. Chronic joint pain is often associated with arthritis, a leading cause of joint discomfort. Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that worsens with age, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis being the most common types.


Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis, caused by the gradual wearing away of cartilage that protects bones in a joint. This condition develops slowly, often beginning in middle age, and affects millions globally. It can impact various joints, including hands, knees, hips, and spine. Risk factors include weak muscles, family history, obesity, previous injuries, age, and gender, with older adults and women being more susceptible.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes pain and swelling in joints, as the immune system attacks the joint lining. In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Amavata, resulting from the accumulation of Ama in the joints, causing pain and swelling. It typically affects multiple joints simultaneously, especially in the hands, wrists, and knees. Severe rheumatoid arthritis can lead to significant joint damage and loss of alignment.

Joint pain treatment

Ayurvedic Medicines for Joint Pain and Care at Tigris Valley

Joint pain, whether chronic or mild, affects millions globally. It often starts as a minor discomfort that can quickly escalate into a chronic condition if ignored. At Tigris Valley, our Ayurveda retreat in Kerala focuses on incorporating natural remedies and practices into daily life to ensure joint health and smooth functioning. Ayurveda offers a wide range of natural remedies and herbal blends specifically for joint pain and care.

1. Turmeric (Curcuma Longa)

Turmeric, or Haldi, is a bright yellow spice often used in Ayurvedic remedies. Curcumin in turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties that significantly reduce joint pain. Especially beneficial for people with rheumatoid arthritis, turmeric improves joint flexibility and support, making it highly effective for knee pain. 

2. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is another commonly used spice that can significantly improve joint pain. Studies show that ginger extract reduces symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee. With its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger improves joint health and reduces pain. Regular consumption of ginger helps reduce ama in the joints, restoring optimal Vata Dosha levels.

3. Ayurvedic Oils for Joints

Ayurvedic oils have been used for centuries for their therapeutic properties. Abhyanga, or oil massages with warm oil, calm the body and mind while significantly reducing pain. We also recommend regular abhyanga massages using Ayurvedic oils, which ensure joint flexibility, stability, and smooth movement. At Tigris Valley, our expert practitioners deliver these massages as part of our joint pain treatment.

Ayurvedic joint pain treatment

Common Preventions for Joint Care at Tigris Valley

Our Ayurvedic wellness hospital integrates the philosophy ‘Prevention is better than cure’ through comprehensive preventive measures for holistic health and well-being. Central to Ayurveda is the concept of Nidana Parivarjana, or the avoidance of causative factors, which is the first step in disease prevention.

For those seeking an ayurvedic treatment, Tigris Valley offers a range of solutions and lifestyle practices designed to prevent joint pain. Incorporating healthy habits such as regular exercise, avoiding tobacco products, maintaining a balanced diet, and keeping a healthy body weight can significantly reduce joint pain and related issues. It is also essential to be cautious during strenuous physical activities, such as working out or lifting heavy objects, as they can strain weight-bearing joints.

At our wellness retreat in Kerala, we emphasize the importance of integrating Ayurvedic herbal remedies and ingredients into daily routines. These can be consumed in various forms, such as tablets, capsules, herbal teas, or powders. Additionally, our Panchakarma treatment in Kerala provides a deep detoxification process that enhances joint health and overall well-being.

Experience the Natural Cradle of Comfort

Stress and toxins constantly build up. Panchakarma offers a beacon of hope, a complete system for detoxification and renewal. This ancient practice, derived from Sanskrit words meaning “five actions” (pancha) and “treatments” (karma), utilizes a series of targeted therapies. Panchakarma cleanses, rejuvenates, and restores balance to body, mind, and spirit. For the very best Panchakarma experience in Kerala, consider Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat – their reputation is undeniable.

And for sure Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat is well known for Panchakarma Treatment and without any doubts and concerns it is the best Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala.

At Tigris Valley, our commitment to excellence ensures that each Panchakarma treatment is administered with the utmost care and precision, adhering to the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Our team of seasoned Ayurvedic practitioners, trained in the traditional techniques passed down through generations, customize each treatment plan to address the unique needs and imbalances of every individual.

The journey of Panchakarma begins with a thorough consultation, where our experts delve into your medical history, lifestyle habits, and current health concerns to craft a personal wellness protocol. This professional approach ensures that every aspect of your being is taken into account, laying the foundation for a truly transformative experience.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment

The first phase of Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment, known as ‘Purvakarma,’ prepares the body for the main detoxification process. This stage typically involves gentle massages, herbal steam baths, and specialized dietary recommendations aimed at loosening toxins from their deep-seated locations and guiding them towards elimination.

Once the body is primed, the main phase of Panchakarma, ‘Pradhanakarma,’ commences. This phase may include a variety of therapeutic interventions such as Vamana (therapeutic vomiting), Virechana (purgation), Basti (medicated enema), Nasya (nasal administration of medicated oils), and Rakta Mokshana (blood purification). Each of these treatments targets specific organs and systems, facilitating the expulsion of accumulated toxins and restoring optimal functioning.

Throughout the Panchakarma process, meticulous attention is paid to every detail, from the selection of medicated oils and herbs to the timing and duration of each treatment. Our peaceful surroundings and nurturing environment provide the ideal backdrop for deep relaxation and inner healing, allowing you to surrender to the transformative power of Ayurvedic treatment.

As toxins are released and purged from the body, profound shifts occur on both physical and energetic levels. Many guests report experiencing increased vitality, mental clarity, and emotional well-being as stagnant energy is liberated, and the natural flow of prana is restored.

Panchakarma Treatment

The final phase of Panchakarma, ‘Paschatkarma,’ focuses on consolidation and rejuvenation. During this stage, you will be guided through gentle yoga practices, meditation sessions, and dietary recommendations to support the body’s ongoing detoxification and replenishment process. Our goal is not only to cleanse but also to rebuild and fortify your overall health and resilience.

Tigris Valley Wellness Retreat is renowned for its exceptional Panchakarma Treatment, widely regarded as the finest in Kerala. With our proven track record of excellence, guests can trust in our expertise and commitment to providing the highest quality of care and service.

At Tigris Valley, we believe that true wellness encompasses more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of vibrant health and harmonious balance that permeates every aspect of our being. Through the time-honored practices of Ayurveda and Panchakarma, we invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, reconnecting with your innate capacity for healing and wholeness.

One of the primary benefits of panchakarma ayurvedic treatment is its ability to detoxify the body. The treatment focuses on eliminating assembled toxins that can lead to various health problems. Panchakarma also helps cleanse the internal systems, leading to improved digestion, enhanced metabolism, and rejuvenated strength.

And, The journey towards sustainable weight loss at Wellness hospital will be definitely impactful for a wide community who needs it . Our specialized treatments are precisely crafted to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. With expert guidance and serene surroundings, get on a personalized path to comfortable well-being and be a healthier, happier you.

With our dedicated team you will find the support and guidance you need to realign with your true essence and live a life of vitality and purpose.

Ayurvedic Approach to PCOD

Ayurvedic Approach to PCOD

PCOD is a condition in which the ovaries contain elevated levels of androgens (male hormones), in particular testosterone resulting in high levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and low levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which prohibits follicles from developing mature eggs leading to anovulatory periods and irregular menstruation.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) signs have a natural tendency to start progressively. Hormone shifts that intensify PCOS typically begin in the early young, after the first menstrual cycle. Indications can be more evident after gaining weight.

Hirsutism (excessive hair development, generally in a male pattern), growth is based on the body, the calf muscles, just below the big toe on the hips, the elbows, below the navel, in between breasts and even the moustache area. Sometimes even, too, heavy eyebrows and lips. Facial fur, and/or scalp thinning.

PCOS can be of two types

1. Symptomatic

2. Asymptomatic
(Where asymptomatic may or may not be the condition of PCOS)

How PCOS causes infertility:

Women with This condition have different hormonal processes than average women without PCOS. It changes your internal body mechanism of producing eggs and preparing your uterus for pregnancy.
Interpretations why women with PCOS are not pregnant or why it is impossible for them to sustain pregnancy are as follows: Most of the women who have PCOS do not ovulate naturally. They have unpredictable intervals and, thus, their monthly patterns are not predictable. Since they have irregular intervals, their endometrium cannot be prepared when the egg is released. As a result, it would not help to manage pregnancy.

Symptoms of PCOS:

Periods irregularity: The absence of ovulation prevents a shedding of the uterine lining every month. Any women are less than eight years a year with PCOS. Severe bleeding: The lining of the uterus is thicker than average, meaning that the intervals will be longer than usual.
Growing hair: About 70 percent of these women, including back, belly and breast, develop hair on their faces and on their bodies. Hirsutism is referred to as excess hair formation. Acne: The skin can get higher than normal through male hormones, and break out in areas such as the face, chest and back.
Overweight: Up to 80% of females with PCOS are significantly overweight Male-pattern baldness: Skin is finer on the scalp and falls off.
Darkening of the skin: In body plugs as in the nose, on the groin, and under the breasts, dark patches of skin can occur.
Headaches: The variations in hormones in some women can cause headaches.

What Causes PCOS?

The exact reason of PCOS is unclear. Most experts agree that a variety of influences, including biology, have a part to play:

High Number of Androgens. Androgens are often referred to as male hormones, although all women make small levels of androgens. Androgens are regulating the development of male traits, such as male-pattern baldness. Higher than average amounts of androgen in women can prevent ovaries from producing an egg (ovulation) during every menstrual cycle and may trigger extra hair growth and acne, two indications of PCOS.

Ayurvedic Management For PCOS

Primary treatments for PCOS include: lifestyle modifications and medications.

Goals of Ayurvedic treatment may be considered under four categories:
• Reduction of insulin resistance
• Restoring fertility
• Treatment of hirsutism or acne
• Restoration and prevention of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer.

Not every female with PCOS has difficulty getting pregnant. For those who do, anovulation or abnormal ovulation is a significant cause. Other factors include changed levels of gonadotropins, hyperandrogenaemia, as well as hyperinsulinemia. Like women without PCOS, women with ovulating PCOS may be infertile due to other causes, such as tubal. Ayurveda proposes a holistic approach to addressing PCOS. Personalized therapy helps to resolve the core cause of the condition and balance the body.

Ayurvedic treatment of PCOS follows the following protocols:

PCOS treatment in Kerala

1. Ayurvedic detox body treatment

2. Strengthening and revitalizing the reproductive system of females

3. The reversal of hormonal imbalance

4. Addressing obesity and insulin resistance

Panchakarma is the initial therapy line for PCOS in Ayurveda. After a comprehensive evaluation, the ayurvedic specialist develops a tailored plan. Panchakarma manages the root cause by eliminating toxins from the reproductive system.

Panchakarma for Infertility and PCOS

The Panchakarma treatment in Kerala therapy of Ayurveda provides a clear response to the rising problem of PCOS in the modern era. Therapy with panchakarma gives power to the sexual bodies such as the uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, female vagina & male testis. The hormone equilibrium is preserved by panchakarma

1. Basti (Vasti):

Enema of herbal oil or Decoction is delivered via Rectum. Vitiated “Vata” can cause a number of health problems. Basti releases blockages in the way of Vata Dosha and thus controls the natural “Vata” phenomenon. For treatment with Basti, various types of herbal oils, Ghruta, milk or decoctions are used. Miracles may arise if they are treated correctly with suitable medications. The Basti treatment removes the dosage from the rectum. It balances the Dosha of the “Vata.” Apana Vayu is the type of “Vata Dosha” that controls Shukra Dhatu (Semen) in males and Aartava (Ovum) in females. ‘Apana Vayu’ regulates the reproductive system. In females, “Sahacharadi oil Basti increases the consistency of ovulation within regular days. In males, the Basti treatment increases the consistency and volume of semen, i.e., improves overall sperm count and motility of semen.

Benefits of Basti

• Reduces Female Infertility = Irregular Menses, Hormone Unbalance, Dysmenorrhea, PCOD, Fallopian Tubal Block.

PCOS treatment in Kerala

2. Uttarbasti (Vasti):

Uttarbasti (Vasti) seems to be the most effective therapy for gynecological conditions. Because of its resulting effects on the uterus and ovaries, it dissolves the cyst in the ovaries more efficiently than oral medications. Also, it helps to purify and flush the Aartava Vaha Srotas, pacifies the vitiated Apana Vayu, and increases follicular maturity.

3. Virechanam:

It extracts body contaminants as ‘Pitta’ vitiated. The washing process is done in the small intestine and in other parts of Pitta. In this case, medications that facilitate the passage of the intestine are improved for the elimination of doshas via the rectum. It’s working on a hormonal equilibrium like ‘Vaman Karma.’

4. Vamana:

Cleaning technique meant primarily for the expulsion of the vitiated ‘Kapha.’ This is a painless, drug-induced emetic process, done predominantly in Vasant Rhitu.

5. Fertility Massage:

A soft and strong massage of the lower abdomen in a particular pattern helps to maintain the natural functioning of the uterus. Fertility massage also decreases lower abdominal pressure and increases blood supply in the pelvis.

Ayurveda has the best drugs and treatment for PCOS which is specifically concerned towards fertility care that help to get pregnant naturally. Herbal drugs are very effective in the control of hormones. Panchakarma treatment is successful in detoxification of the body and correcting body for the further therapy or medications. After proper completion of the panchakarma protocol like uttar basti(vasti), it has been found that follicles split spontaneously without any hormonal injections. Further to panchakarma, special herbs and methods are used to add harmony and recovery to the female reproductive system. Ayurvedic medicines are high in phytoestrogen, which can significantly minimize inflammation and insulin resistance.

Discussion & Conclusion:

Ayurvedic medicines have consistently observed success in the reduction of ovarian volume. The better medicines for PCOS are herbal medicines such as Triphala, Kanchanar, Trikatu, Guggul, Dashamool, etc. These are effective in the treatment of PCOS. Many Ayurvedic herbs like Shatavari, Shatapushpa also helps to grow eggs naturally and helps to split follicles naturally. So we can say that only Ayurveda have solution of PCOS.